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City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • Mary Keelan - BEST guide for independent travelers

    Rick Steves regularly goes to each place he reviews: lodging, dining, & places of interest, & is very thorough in his reviews. He invites travelers to come in 'through the back door', getting to know the locals & visiting the 'real' culture. If you like American hotels & food, don't take his advice. But if you want to sink into the culture, you can't go wrong with Rick Steves.

  • Danielle Jackson - love this product

    I really don't know why the negative comments about Dr Miracles hot gro because I love it... didn't seem greasy, didn't have a smell to it and it wasn't hot and tingly... in fact its making my bald spot in my hair grow... use it one time sometimes twice a day and wash hair once a week. Thanks for making this product Dr. Miracles

  • Kim De La Peza - LOVE THIS TRAP

    LOVE THIS TRAP!! I knew I HAD a squirrel problem, but didn't realize how bad until I started trapping them. Within first 4 hours I trapped 10. By day 4, I'd trapped 65....yes, 65. I put one trap inside my chicken coop and still caught many squirrels in the trap despite having an open feeder full of chicken food. Had contacted 3 exterminators prior and all said I had to use poison to kill the squirrels. Not True! This trap did the trick. I still catch an occasional squirrel that wanders over from neighbors yard, but I've controlled the squirrel chaos at my home. Both my neighbor and my father have purchased that traps as a result of my recommendation and both r just a pleased and satisfied. Best solution to control a squirrel population!

  • Robert W. - I have owed this wireless charger for only 2 days ...

    I have owed this wireless charger for only 2 days, and I'm very impressed so far..i own the note 5, and my wife will upgrade to the s7 edge depending on my review. Will give another review after a week.