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  • Stephen N. Shields - It's a SCAM.

    It's widely advertised as $19.95 but - we discovered - in the fine print they charge you over $300. Getting the return authorization took about 15 minutes, 2 representatives, and a hold. Don't purchase!!!

  • Robert L. - Just follow my tips

    I have used this STUFF 4 times and about to use it for 5th. So far I am batting 100%. I do usually go for a couple nice runs to sweat. I also don't eat anything fatty before my test. Remember THC sets in your fatty cells. Do not eat the day of if you can, if you have to eat try almonds and rasberrys ,try to keep it simply water. Drink plenty of water and only water at least 72 hours before your evaluation. I assure you if you follow the instructions the STUFF is the S***!

  • J. V. Paquette - Poor People's Eyes will ruin this TV.

    Great TV but I must warn you. YOU WILL spoil the help if you allow them to gaze upon it's wonder. Also, the eyes of the poor emit microscopic particles that will deteriorate image quality over time.