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Stress Management and Anxiety Relief With Mindfulness - Stress Management specialises in helping you manage your stress levels with mindfulness and meditative techniques.

  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/stress/what-is-stress.html What is Stress? Types, origins and causes of stress - The term stress has been subjected to numerous definitions and therefore the understanding of what exactly stress is, is somewhat confused. One of the earliest definitions of stress was put forward in 1926 by Hans Selye. Dr Selye was a Canadian doctor who throughout the 1920's and 30's conducted laboratory studies on humans and animals. His work resulted in the first documentation of the hormonal and biological changes that arise in response to stress. Selye concluded that stress is 'the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change'. Read on to find out more about what stress is, who gets stressed, causes of stress, affects on the body, mental and emotional wellbeing and how stress can be treated.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/stress/who-gets-stressed.html Who gets stressed? Gender differences in stress responses - One of the many gender differences between men and women is their response to stress. There has been extensive research in the subject area that has concluded that stressed out males and females respond in different ways.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/stress/causes.html Causes of stress - life events, relationship stress, workplace stress - There are many causes of stress. Some are external pressures such as a high profile job while others are internal such as anxiety to be the best partner. This section will examine common sources of stress. By pinpointing the cause of stress, an individual is in a better position to deal with the root of the problem rather than mindlessly treat symptoms. Read on to find out more about life events, relationship stress and workplace stress.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/stress/diagnosis/affects-on-body.html How stress affects the body - physical and mental affects - There is a growing body of research and scientific investigations establishing the exact effect stress has on the body, in this section a number of common health problems that have are caused in some way or another by stress are examined. From stress and memory, to insomnia and hair loss, read on to find out more about the different ways stress can affect the body.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/stress/diagnosis/mental-and-emotional-wellbeing.html How does stress affect mental and emotional wellbeing? - Stress has been shown to have an impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing, specifically that under stress performance and efficiency is decreased. In addition, mental problems such as anxiety and the presence of emotions such as anger are likely to arise which may have detrimental affects on other parts of life such as relationships. Read on to find out more about anxiety, emotional eating, decision making, mental overload and anger.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/treatments/mindfulness/mindfulness-and-stress-reduction.html Stress Reduction with Mindfulness - Mindfulness based Stress Reduction - Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) is one of the two main mindfulness courses (the other being Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy). Developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues in 1979 at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was intended to help people with a wide range of physical and mental health problems that arise as a result of stress.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/treatments/mindfulness/mindfulness-meditation.html Mindfulness Meditation - What is Mindfulness, who can practice mindfulness? - Mindfulness originates from the Sanskrit word 'Smritti' which translates as 'remembering'. Mindfulness is the process of becoming aware of the present moment in a non-judgemental and accepting way. It is the awareness of what 'is' at that moment without trying to change it or judge anything but simply accepting it just 'is'.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/treatments/symran.html Symran - Symran from the Sanskrit word Smriti means to “remembering” although it’s normally translate as “mindfulness” and in this context it is remembering to be here in the Present moment, as opposed to “being” in our normal fantasies of the future or replaying something from the past.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/treatments/yoga/kundalini-yoga.html Kundalini Yoga (KY) and stress management - Kundalini Yoga is an ancient form of yoga that originated in India, known as the Royal Yoga. Introduced to thge west by Yogi Bhajan in 1969. He believed that as the most powerful form of yoga should be given to everyone and anyone so that they are able to reap the benefits of such a power source.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/workshops-and-events/ Mindfulness Workshops, Courses and Events - As we all face the fast changing and uncertainly in our daily lives due to the economic downturn, falling house prices, spiralling fuel and food prices, increasing violence amongst children, unproductive stress is now the
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/depression/what-is-depression.html What is depression? Common types and classifications of depression - A diagnosis of depression according to the DSM-IV, a person may have either have a permanent depressed mood or a significant loss of enjoyment or satisfaction in everyday activities with symptoms persistent for a minimum of two weeks and would have a marked effect on a person's social and occupational activities.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/depression/who-gets-depression.html Who gets depression? Gender difference in the diagnosis of depression - People respond differently to different types and levels of adversity. A life event or situation that may lead to depression in one individual may not in another. Additionally, symptoms may be expressed differently according to personality, characteristcs and social norms. Read on to find out about depression in men and depression in women.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/depression/causes.html Causes of depression - genetics, changes in brain structure and function - There can be a number of causes of depression; often a diagnosis of depression is triggered by a negative life event, such as separation or death of a spouse, loss of a job and changes in family circumstances such as the birth of a baby. Read on to find out about genetics and brain structure changes.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/depression/diagnosis/affects-on-body.html How depression affects the body - symptoms; psychomotor impairment, weight changes, sleep problems - Depression is marked by a number of physical symptoms including; changes in mood, decreased energy and enthusiasm levels, appetite and weight changes, concentration problems, aches and pains that seem to arise without a cause and changes in sleeping patterns.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/depression/diagnosis/mental-and-emotional-wellbeing.html How does depression affect mental and emotional wellbeing? - Depression is a mental and emotional disorder marked by psychological symptoms including: a persistent depressed mood; feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and shame; distructive emotions such as anger, self-loathing and irritability; trouble keeping focused and motivated; loss of interest in daily activities and in extreme circumstances suicidal thoughts. Read on to find out about depressed moods, emotional distress and suicidal thoughts.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/treatments/depression/mindfulness-for-depression.html Mindfulness for depression - Treating Depression with Mindfulness - Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) was an adaptation of the original MBSR by Professor Mark Williams, Dr John Teasdale and Professor Zindel Segal as a treatment for depression with a specific focus on relapse prevention.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/adhd/what-is-adhd.html What is ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is now one of the most prevalent behavioural disorders in the developed world and is most commonly becomes apparent in childhood. People diagnosed with the disorder have great difficulty maintaining attention and concentration without distraction; they are highly impulsive and are often unable to control what they are saying or their behaviour.Read on into this section to find out about who gets ADHD, causes of ADHD, affects of ADHD on the body, mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/adhd/who-gets-adhd.html Who gets Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD? - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affect approximately between 5 and 10 percent of children, teenagers and adults in the United Kingdom with as many as 1 percent of the population being severely effected by the behaviour disorder. The condition is believed to develop around 18 months, however it is extremely difficult to diagnose before the age of 6 as many of the symptoms are experienced by young children as normal stages of development. Additionally there are substantial amounts of individual variation in the symptoms of each sufferer. Read on to find out more about ADHD in adults and in children.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/adhd/causes.html Causes of ADHD - Neurotransmitter imbalance, Mental overload, Changes in brain structure - The cause of ADHD are still under scrutiny from doctors, scientists and psychologists alike there are a number of theories that have been clinically tested that could contribute to the diagnosis of the condition. Read through this section and find out about Neurotransmitter imbalance, Mental overload, Changes in brain structure, Genetic variation and Diet and lifestyle.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/adhd/diagnosis/affects-on-body.html How ADHD affects the body - obesity, side effects of medication, substance abuse - People diagnosed with ADHD often are medically regarded as overweight and in some cases obese, ADHD is often marked by compulsive eating and subsequently can result in weight gain and other problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Read on to find out more about the side effects of medication, and substance abuse.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/adhd/diagnosis/mental-and-emotional-wellbeing.html How does ADHD affect mental and emotional wellbeing - conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder - Conduct disorder is a behavioural condition experienced during childhood and adolescence that is marked by chronic and long-term behaviour problems, including defiant or impulsive behaviour, substance abuse and often criminal activity. Read on to find out more about self-esteem, depression and anxiety, family problems, learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and ADHD and risky behaviour.
  • http://www.stressmanagement.co.uk/treatments/adhd/mindfulness-and-adhd.html Mindfulness and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Mindfulness has been used to aid the treatment of children and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in recent years.

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  • Annette Joelle - easily to apply

    Smooth edges, easily to apply. Cheap pricing. And you get two so if you mess up, you have another one.

  • nooch85 - Solid Solutions

    In the area where I live the power will sometimes cycle two or three times a day; this product is a necessity and the battery seems to last longer than the two years I get out of the APC units I've had

  • Patrick - Green grass

    Really greens up the yard in no time. Put a bag around my hedge also. Smells foul if you overdo it but is doesn't burn the grass.

  • Amazon Customer - System has one major flaw - leaving an entry point open (door/window) doesn't trigger any alerts via SMS, E-mail, or their APP.

    I like this system a lot. However, today I learned that if you arm the system in HOME or AWAY mode, but have a door or window open, the system warns you via the base station (hidden away per their recommendation) and the keypad. I OFTEN arm via the keyfob when I'm in the driveway or via their app or website. No alert comes that says "You left ____ open". Given that I get alerts for arming, disarming, low battery, etc. - this is absolutely unacceptable since they provide remote arming options.