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Alkalize For Health - Stop The Cancer Epidemic! - Information web site offers 8 STEP PROGRAM for self-treatment of CANCER. Program is intended to COMPLEMENT treatment received from physicians. Can be used to PREVENT cancer.

  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/disclaimer.htm Alkalize For Health - Disclaimer - Cancer Alternatives - We assert our right of freedom of expression to take issue with the medical profession's conflict of interest regarding cancer treatment and prevention.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/rebounder.htm Alkalize For Health - Rebound Mini-Trampoline - Rebound exercise is the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised by man.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/therapeuticbaths.htm Alkalize For Health - Hyperthermia Helps Prevent and Remove Cancer! - Cancer Alternatives - Fever is an effective protective and healing measure not only against colds & simple infections, but against such serious diseases as polio & cancer.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/meditation.htm Alkalize For Health - Transcendental Meditation Improves Health! - Cancer Alternatives - Individuals who practice Transcendental Meditation (TM) have about 55% less cancer (Psychosomatic Medicine 49 (1987): 493-507).
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/cosmetics.htm Alkalize For Health - Cosmetics and Cancer! - Cancer Alternatives - Personal care products, fabric softeners, make-up, hair care products, colognes, perfumes and other scented products can be dangerous to your health.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/sunlight.htm Alkalize For Health - Sunlight is food! - Cancer Alternatives - Dr. Johanna Budwig's oil protein diet for cancer patients improves tolerance for sunlight. Sunlight is important for cancer prevention because it is the best source of vitamin D.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/ADHD.htm Alkalize For Health - ADD & ADHD Ritalin may cause cancer! - Cancer Alternatives - FDA has asked the manufacturer to warn doctors that Ritalin may have the potential to cause cancer. Alternatives to Ritalin include diet, exercise, and meditation.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/earlymenarchy.htm Alkalize For Health - Problems Associated with Early Puberty - Cancer Alternatives - Women who have earlier menarche (under thirteen years of age) may have over four times the incidence of breast cancer as women who have a later menarche (over seventeen years of age).
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/asbestos.htm Alkalize For Health - Asbestos Causes Cancer - Diseases caused by asbestos include: lung cancer, cancer of the pharynx, cancer of the esophagus, pleural mesothelioma (cancer in the pleural lining of the lungs), peritoneal mesothelioma (cancer in the peritoneal lining of the abdomen), stomach cancer, colon cancer, cancer of the rectum, and asbestosis.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/complementarymedicine.htm Alkalize For Health - Complementary Medicine - Cancer Alternatives - Each of these alternative cancer treatments is complementary, strengthening the immune system and dissolving cancer in a systematic and gentle way.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/betterfarms.htm Alkalize For Health - Better Farms - Cancer Alternatives - Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies. These cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods...
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/nutritionalsupplements.htm Alkalize For Health - Nutritional Supplements - Alternative Medicine & Prevention - Human diets deficient in trace minerals and other nutrients give rise to many hidden hungers which weaken the body, prevent a feeling of fullness and satisfaction, and produce cravings.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/freshjuices.htm Alkalize For Health - The healing power of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. - Cancer Alternatives - Healing Power of Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Juices, plus other ways to strengthen the immune system and deal with infections.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Library/healthyheart.htm AFH LIBRARY - Healthy Heart and Circulatory System. - Maintaining a healthy heart and circulatory system is essential for cancer treatment and prevention. Unobstructed arteries help ensure that adequate oxygen reaches all the tissues and that tissues are cleansed of toxins. Cancer starts in toxic areas lacking oxygen. Healthy arteries free of blood clots prevent cancer metastases, because cancer cells floating in the bloodstream come to rest in a blood clot before forming a new tumor.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/about.htm About Alkalize For Health - The Politics of Cancer - Cancer Alternatives - It is the duty of all who recognize that the war on cancer is a fraud to speak out. Truth is being suppressed by the power of money and other strongly placed means of leverage.

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  • Kathy - Interesting read

    Lucy's life BEFORE the I love Lucy tv show was hard to say the least. It's a great read. She doesn't pull any punches in regards to Desi and his drinking and womanizing. All in all its a very interesting read for Lucy fan

  • Princesa Dawn - Bad product, please do not buy it.

    This is the most expensive good for nothing product. I gave one star because I had to pick something but it deserves no star at all, the product is bad for my hair, I already trashed it!

  • Raymon Narez - Great beginners bow

    I've had this bow for a few months now and it's been great to learn with! It came already set to my draw length, luckily enough my length is factory default, 25inches. From the time I've bought it to now I've purchased a stabilizer, kisser button, new string stop and arrow rest, but the now itself has held up great!

  • Corkybea - No Results

    These are not working to remove the mildew odor in my front-loading washing machine. I've been using intensely, one hot wash three times in a row every other week but still the foul odor remains. The machine is eleven years old. The repairman (for the broken door latch) said that the scent is a result of using too much detergent. The lowest line on the lid of the detergent bottle is too much according to him and only one tablespoon should be used no matter what size load.

  • K9 Law Dawg - Good porduct....good value

    I am in receipt of my Nitrocut supplement and found it to be average to the industry of Nitric supplements. First thing is I can not give a review on the ingredients as this manufacturer utilizes proprietary blends which I am not a fan of. I like to know if I am utilizing 5 G of Citrulline or Arginine but unfortunately its all bulked together.