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  • Postscripter - A Thoroughly Enjoyable Book

    This book was thoroughly enjoyable. It is the story of Captain Stiger, his elf companion Lieutenant Eli, the less than fit 85th and the adventures that they all have in the South of the less than expected sort. This is the sort of story that can be either be excellent or awful depending on the author's skill.

  • NachoCheese - Beware of cheap dyes.

    I was attempting to remove very dark brown dye from my blonde hair. The 1st and 2nd treatment of color oops didn't do anything, even though I followed the directions word-for-word. My 3rd attempt finally yielded results. It took my hair from very dark brown to light brown.

  • Lithiad - CHI silk infusion

    This product has a pleasant, but not overpowering smell. The smell is also gender neutral. It makes my hair feel healthier and stronger, while also providing a lovely sheen. I would definitely recommend this product for use before styling. I only wish I had gotten a bigger bottle!

  • celica - ,,,constant updating notices...

    Pretty good except for the constant questionable updating notices which may or may not be descriptive of an actual operation as evidenced by the alert and the action observed when the visual display is observed.

  • Kindle Customer - Good Book

    Microsoft Outlook 2010 Step by Step is a very good reference and instruction book for MS Outlook 2010. I actually haven't used Outlook in a few years, so it was a good catcher upper, and even though I now own MS Outlook 2013 (no books on it yet), this book worked just fine for my version. It's very detailed with tons of helpful graphics and designs and I found nearly everything I needed to find in the book, with one exception that I had to Google. It's a pretty exhaustive book and most readers will likely find it more than suits their needs for learning this program. Recommended.

  • Laurin - Front wheels shake.

    This is the first Uppababy stroller I've owned, and given that this is the new model, I hope this is an isolated issue, but since there are 2 other Amazon reviews saying the same thing, it clearly needs to be addressed. The front wheels shake and rattle when walking at a normal pace, and only roll properly when the stroller is pushed slowly or on indoor surfaces. It doesn't matter if there is weight at the back of the stroller or not, they still shake. So frustrating. I've contacted Uppababy and was asked to send video, which I have done. I hope to hear back and will update here when I do.