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Style-de-sante - La pathologie découle souvent de la nutrition, le sport et les habitudes de vie. Prenez votre santé en main et conservez votre capital vie grâce à ce blog. - La pathologie découle souvent de la nutrition, le sport et les habitudes de vie. Prenez votre santé en main et conservez votre capital vie grâce à ce blog.

  • Nous sommes notre propre médicament. - Style-de-sante - Depuis quelques temps fleurissent de part et d'autre des livres rédigés par tel ou tel médecin avec des "titres chocs" : - le meilleur médicament c'est vous ! Par le Docteur Frédéric Saldmann, - Le grand ménage : tout ce qu'il faut éliminer pour être...
  • Le radis noir : la méthode détox au naturel - Style-de-sante - Le radis noir : la méthode détox au naturel Le radis noir est connu pour drainer la vésicule biliaire et le foie. On parle beaucoup de méthode détox dans la presse. Voici ici un topo d'une méthode détox naturelle. On emploie la racine de radis noirs,...
  • Médicament et alcool : un cocktail dangereux - Style-de-sante - Un médicament c'est quoi ? Avant de partir dans des explications assez complexes, penchons nous rapidement sur sa définition. Un médicament est une molécule qui, une fois introduite dans le corps, se retrouve directement active ou active après modification...
  • Levure de riz rouge, remplace-t-elle un traitement médicamenteux ? - Style-de-sante - Voici un champignon qui pourrait devenir bien utile (mais n’allez pas en chercher en forêt, vous n’en trouverez pas vers le coin des bolets). Alors que l’on parle beaucoup de médicaments à effets indésirables, ce champignon repoussant pourrait devenir...
  • Douleurs à l’estomac - Style-de-sante - Vous avez mal à l’estomac ? Alors déjà courez vers votre Pharmacien pour être sûr que ce que vous pensez être l’estomac est bien l’estomac. Dans un second temps, il va falloir voir les différentes pathologies en présence et voir quelle est la probabilité...
  • Répulsifs anti-moustiques - Style-de-sante - Les répulsifs anti-moustiques Ca y est, ces petites bêtes qui nous pourrissent la vie se régalent… La plupart d’entre nous auront la flemme de lire tout cela et prendront le spray répulsif le moins cher. Ils regarderont l'image ci-dessus très jolie. C’est...
  • Qu’est ce qu’un générique ? - Style-de-sante - Le petit coin des perles de comptoir pour se détendre et commencer doucement Un générique, non pas un génétique, un numérique, un parabolique comme certains patients peuvent l’appeler au comptoir… Voici des phrases que l’on entend tous les jours : « Les...
  • Le parasitisme mycosique (champignons) - Style-de-sante - Les champignons affectant la peau appartiennent à 3 genres appelés Trichophyton , Microsporum et Epidermophyton . Ils se nourrissent de votre kératine et peuvent donc se développer sous vos jolis ongles, votre jolie peau ou vos jolis cheveux. Certains...
  • Sommeil réparateur et mélatonine - Style-de-sante - La mélatonine est une hormone du corps humain permettant entre autre de réguler le sommeil. Cette molécule est synthétisée à partir d’un neurotransmetteur appelé « sérotonine » qui dérive elle-même d’un acide aminé appelé tryptophane. La mélatonine autorise...

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • jscny - It worked because it is science. It worked since 2008 and until now, 2013

    My friend was quoted with $1500 repair for a blown head gasket on her 97 Ford Windstar. She decided to donate the van but before she did that she gave me a call and asked me if I want to take her van for nothing because she thought that I am an Automotive Mechanic and perhaps I would be able to fix the van and use it instead of donating a vehicle with bad engine (Blown Head Gasket). At first I was hesitant to take her offer knowing that it would be a big job that calls for lots of money and time. My friend insisted that I take her van so I can look at it whenever I am ready and give her a second opinion if it was really a bad head gasket. I took the van and while I was driving home I noticed the engine started to show signs of problem ahead and so I kept driving until the engine started to misfire but to make the story short. I was able to arrive home and did my tests and confirmed it was a leaking Head Gasket and coolant leaking pass the intake gasket into the intake manifold. White smoke constantly was coming out of the tail pipe and engine starts to misfire every time it reached high temperature. I came across with this product as I was buying some parts in a an Automotive Parts store and my eye was glued on something with much interest looking at this bottle of Bar's Leak that says: Head Gasket Fix! I remember the van. I gave this bottle a try and since then (2008) the van is still registered and running with no over heating, white smoke or misfire. This product worked for me and I called my friend and told her if she wanted her van back because I had fixed the problem but she already bought a new one. She was happy to hear that I have fixed the problem and couldn't believe I fixed the problem without changing the Head Gasket. The vehicle still runs well and no symptoms of any misfire due to coolant leaking into the intake manifold and no white smoke caused by blown head gasket! As an Automotive Technician, tools are very important but time is the most valuable tool in doing my job to make good money. Tearing a part on an engine with blown head gasket is costly, time-consuming and sometimes not a 100% successful and usually does not yield satisfactory outcome because it is just like opening up a can of worms that makes it the more costly. This vehicle is on its way to be donated or worse to a junkyard but for $20.00 it still is running until now. The risk was extremely low but the reward was really great! I did not spend hours or even an hour or hundreds of $$$$ to fix a big problem. Changing the Head Gasket would have been the other way around for sure.

  • Jeanne B - ... using this for awhile and i must say i love it.

    Been using this for awhile and i must say i love connects to your obd port under your dashboard in order for it to work, whats great is that the you dont have to look down at your speedometer at all, all the info is projected onto a small piece of film on your windshield, if you do alot of highway driving than this is for you!!!!!

  • Luna - Grainy and Does Not Spread Well

    I love shea butter. I love cocoa butter. I make pretty much most of the skincare products that I use out of whole organic and simple ingredients.

  • R. R. McEldowney - Intuitive and effective

    I recently purchased SmartDraw 2013 to help me create a conceptual model to represent a riparian ecosystem I am working on restoring. I had been using PowerPoint but had gotten extremely frustrated with its lack of versatility. When I looked into my options I first tried some open source products that were free. On the surface they appeared to be very applicable, but as I used them I quickly ran into bugs and realized that I needed something tried and true that had people that stood behind it so I could call when or if I had an issue. So I downloaded the free trial of SmartDraw. I tried it out for about a half an hour and liked it so much I bought it. This was exactly the product I had been looking for.