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  • Charlie - Too many adds

    I found the magazine loaded with adds. The articles were OK after one learned how to navigate the document but it was cumbersome to get to some informative articles.

  • Stuart Lindsay - The sound is so much better than a phone line

    I have tried ALL the alternatives and nothing holds a candle to zoom. Video and screensharing are outstanding. The system even warns you if it discovers even the possibility of an unstable network connection. But the real wonder is the audio! Large groups (ten people) with computer speakers (NO headphones) and NO feedback. The sound is so much better than a phone line, that a computer in the room works better than a conferencing phone system (yes, those big ugly circular things we are always pushing across the table because they are not really omni directional. Zoom is the first system that is so reliable, you just don't need a backup phone connection (but ti gives you that option)

  • Adam B - DOES NOT WORK

    Followed all of the directions perfectly. Left the product in my hair for the longest recommended time and my hair is still curly. Buying this product is the same as setting your wallet on fire.

  • Cindy - Ehhh...

    Did not really get a chance to read, got too involved in school work. So who knows if this was a bad or outstanding book, so kept in the middle.