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  • A. L. Rush - This thing is AWESOME

    The 5-year old LOVES this watch. It has tons of activities, is easy to use with big buttons for little fingers and operates for a really long time between charges. I also like that it has fitness-type activities which encourage them to jump/move around.

  • VeryOn - Advanced, forward thinking design with equal containment opportunity...superior to folders!

    My grandfather ran businesses, and his father before him. We used to keep women in loose leaf folders. Recently I realized the immense opportunities presented by new technology. We have come so far in our containment, there's no reason to look back now. Stride forward with a new and durable binder! Large quantities of women fit comfortably under your arm and don't easily get out of place! It used to be that one wrong move would leave stacks of women all over your floor. What a mess!