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Informação e Recursos para os Médicos | Medscape - Notícias e conteúdo desenvolvidos exclusivamente para médicos e profissionais de saúde que falam português. Acesso gratuito.

  • http://portugues.medscape.com/verartigo/6500620 Novo algoritmo ajuda a diagnosticar obesidade infantil - Novo algoritmo para diagnóstico, avaliação e tratamento da obesidade infantil oferece a promessa de alguma ajuda para médicos que estão tratando crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso
  • http://portugues.medscape.com/verartigo/6500621 Diferença entre esquerda e direita no câncer colorretal: modificando a prática clínica? - Mais evidências sobre o valor prognóstico e preditivo da localização do tumor primário, ou a "lateralidade" do tumor, no câncer colorretal metastático podem mudar a conduta nestes casos
  • http://portugues.medscape.com/verartigo/6500622 Revisão sistemática mostra que resposta a placebo não está aumentando em estudos de depressão - Ao contrário da crença popular, as taxas de resposta ao placebo em estudos de tratamento com antidepressivos não estão aumentando e permanecem estáveis por mais de duas décadas, sugere um novo estudo
  • http://portugues.medscape.com/verartigo/6500617 Risco de infecção por C. difficile aumenta se ocupante anterior do leito recebeu antibióticos - Os pacientes dos leitos hospitalares nos quais os ocupantes anteriores receberam antibióticos correm mais risco de infecção por Clostridium difficile, revelam novos dados
  • http://portugues.medscape.com/verartigo/6500618 Cefaleia associada a hipotireoidismo - Pesquisadores acreditam que os transtornos relacionados à cefaleia, particularmente a migrânea, devem ser considerados um fator de risco para hipotireoidismo
  • http://portugues.medscape.com/verartigo/6500616 Meta-análise mostra que modo de redução do LDL faz diferença - O tratamento precisa ser focado nos pacientes e alcançar o objetivo, que é reduzir o fator de risco, o colesterol LDL. Assim deve-se usar todas as ferramentas apropriadas no arsenal

    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • James Erickson - Has a lot of indepth info on all aspects of ...

    Has a lot of indepth info on all aspects of marketing your photos. Addresses of dealers/buyers/websites alone is worth the price of admission!

  • Okello Dunkley - The epitome of Murphy's Law

    Anyone who doesn't give this book 5 stars is crazy. It's a short read (only 276 pages), but is just enough to tell the story with detail. Anyone who can read should read this book; you'll realize how good you have it. I was outside recently in 10 degree weather and thought it was cold which makes it even more remarkable to think that 10 degrees was a warm day to them and they were wet most of the time! Unbelieveable story!

  • ERIC LAUGHLIN - BEST shower drain EVER!!!

    i LOVE my tubshroom! I've been growing my hair out and so a lot more hair ends up on the shower floor than i'm used to and the tubshroom fits perfectly in my shower drain! It doesn't block the water flow either which is a plus! It sticks up a little from the drain but i don't stand close enough to notice. BEST thing out there!!!

  • April Cooksey - HORRIBLE

    I am only putting one star because "0" won't show up. I bought 2 belts. One wouldn't work after the first use . The other one only lasted for 3-4 uses. Horrible products!!!!! Spend the money and get a better product with a warranty.

  • Catrine - Easy to download

    I only have 1 pc with windows 7 that needed protection. I always renewed the Norton at $50 per year for 3 liscenses. I wanted something more affordable so I went with this. I just downloaded it yesterday ,so I hope it protects like my last anti virus. The price was too good to pass up. I can see how some people had trouble with this. Luckily, I did not have to call any support, like I have in the past. Only time will tell but I had to take the chance.

  • C. Champion-stucker - [Worst ever.] NEW REVISED WITH HELP!

    [It never worked the seller was unable to communicate and i don't have the time to file a claim against every rip off con-artist here. BUYER BEWARE! DO NOT PURCHASE THIS ITEM.]

  • amber - Great alternative to Youtube for kids on the Kindle

    Great alternative to Youtube for kids on the Kindle. Since Kindle doesn't have an official Youtube app, I downloaded this for my two year old. I love that it is specifically designed for children and I don't have to worry about her seeing adult content. I only wish that there wasn't so many ads. I don't remember seeing ads when I first downloaded this app, but now there is quite a few. I suppose that you're going to have ads with any streaming app or service you use anymore though.