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Petitie Online - Exprimă-ţi Opinia Liber - Creează sau semnează o petitie online. oferă posibilitatea creării si promovării de petitii online.

  • Creeaza Petitie Online - Creeaza o Petitie Online. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Petitii Online, ordonate cronologic, pagina 1 - Petitii Online, ordonate cronologic, pagina 1. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Creeaza un Sondaj Online - Creeaza un Sondaj Online. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Sondaje Online, ordonate cronologic, pagina 1 - Sondaje Online, ordonate cronologic, pagina 1. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Mai multe informatii despre - Mai multe informatii despre Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Aspecte legale - Aspecte legale. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Libertatea de exprimare si drepturile omului - Libertatea de exprimare si drepturile omului. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Petitii finalizate cu succes - Petitii finalizate cu succes. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Raspunsuri de la autoritati pentru petitiile adresate - Raspunsuri de la autoritati pentru petitiile adresate. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
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  • Cele mai comentate petitii - Cele mai comentate petitii. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Cele mai semnate petitii - Cele mai semnate petitii. Exprima-ti Opinia Liber : Creeaza sau semneaza o Petitie Online.
  • Petitie: "Dl. Dr. Dan Dumitrache in Spitalul județean Suceava" - Multe dintre noi am fost măcar o data la Dl. Dr. Dan Dumitrache , un doctor ginecolog ce își face meseria cu profesionalism , pentru oameni , fără a avea pretenții , fără a face discriminări , un om ce te tratează ca pe egalul sau , ce îți explica pe întelesul tău ! Un doctor ce nu te privește ...
  • Petitie: "Renovarea secțiilor de Obstretica Ginecologie si Pediatrie a Spitalului Județean Constanta" - Secțiile de Obstretica Ginecologie si Pediatrie ale Spitalului Judetean Constanta trebuie renovate URGENT
  • Petitie: "Continuarea Backflipului." - Dorim ca subsemnatul Ober Florin sa afiseze in intregime videoclipul in care are loc un Backflip in Parcul Tineretului din Ludus. Neafisarea in intregime al videoclipului este o incalcare a libertatii de amuzament al ludusenilor si al prietenilor...
  • Petitie: "Biserica devenita o profitabila afacere si nu un locaș de cult!" - Prin aceasta petiție cerem , cei care o vor semna , desființarea bisericilor de cartier care in ultima vreme s-au înmulțit foarte agresiv si au devenit mai ceva decât buticurile de la colț de strada . Asta nu mai înseamnă locaș de cult ci o rețea vasta de sedii ale companiei BOR prin care se st...
  • Petitie: "Sentinte date dupa ureche si nimeni nu pateste nimic inafara bietului contribuabil" - Avem justitie cu salarii si pensii nesimntite si care nenorocesc oameni fara nici o jena. Suntem 48 de fosti angajati Petrom care am fost executati in 05.10.2016 silit pentru un proces din 2010 de care nu am stiut nimeni nimic, nu am fost citati, am fost reprezentati de o casa de avocatura pe...

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Chad Smith - worthless POS (piece of *^#)

    I have had the 2.0 version for years and have been greatly successful with it. I recently upgraded my computer systems to Windows 7 64 bit. 2.0 did not work without establishing a virtual PC. Tech support said I need to get 2010 which is similar but better. What a lie, after purchasing 2010 and loading it which kept prompting me to enter and reenter passwords, I finally got it starting to work, tried inputting data which kept trying to automatically merge and compile net worth, and various other so called features, It is overly complex for something that use to be very clean and straight forward. It also does not allow you to easily seperate different accounts for ease of accounting. I have close to 20 properties with nearly 12 different accounts. I started with 2.0 when I had 4 and it easily evolved with me. After trying 2010 for 5 weeks I am giving up. Lets see about their 60 day money back guarantee. If I could have chosen to give the system no star at all I would have. If you are looking at this product dont buy it. If you want a good rental property program find 2.0 version and try that, it is great unless you are managing alot of properties. 2.0 also is a fraction of the price of 2010 or maybe only a few dollars since it is old.

  • M. Raynor - Awesome!

    We love this bike for our 4 year old son. He is 43 inches tall and great for him. He really loves this bike, would buy again! Well made!

  • DEborah Bartholomew - Works great

    I use this stuff a lot, works great I use to go to LA weightloss, they had a similar product. When our LA Weightloss, closed, I started using the Hlollywood 48-Hour diet instead. works better.

  • vzal - You can not compare it even with 2005 Mr. ...

    You can not compare it even with 2005 Mr. Coffee. The only reason I decided to replace the old one was its worn out seal. Yes, this machine gives you a lot of foam... with neither smell nor taste which were coming rich from the old Mr. Coffee using the same beans of medium roast. The manual recommends dark roast but the old machine did not care, why the "advanced" one would. And I am not talking even that you can not get an 8 oz cup of espresso strength coffee in one shot. The old machine does it.

  • Manda - Great

    Great looking, and best of all, easy to clean! We needed to replace our silver tin, ugly, caked, scorched cheapo drip pans. These look SO much nicer and wipe far easier than the run of the mill drip pans. Since getting these new ones, that after cooking funky smell is a thing of the past.... our old pans just became increasingly difficult to de-funk. I was a little too excited to get these but the ones we had were just gross.

  • robin isaacs - another great resource

    This book describes a simple inexpensive way to improve dental and overall health. Modern medicine suggests root canals and /or pulling teeth with a dental implant to follow. No thanks.