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  • Joao Cortez - Great Introduction To The Stock Market

    This book presents a great introduction to the stock market in plain, simple, clear language. The author covers the basics and goes into some details about investing in stocks. He also provides several resources where the reader can find a lot of information. On the downside, I think the author relies too much on historical data and historical trends, and I think the book may be a little misleading as it oversimplifies and makes it look easy and not too risky when in fact that's hardly the case. I recommend it for the novice and wanna be investors.

  • Abdullah Bin Masood - Worst! device ever

    Worst Device ever !!! It doesn't works even though I plugged in my device. My iPhone 5s recognizes that a headset is plugged it in. I bought 2 of these machines, one for my mom and one for my dad with 8 Boxes of strips. Now all of this is junk

  • Kaitlin Childs - Sketchy

    I would not recommend purchasing from this vendor as they have you go through a really sketchy process in order to install the software. If I would have known that was the case, I would have spent the extra money to purchase from a legitimate source.