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  • janice l - READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY!

    I have very bad back joint pain and thought this would be great. Used it for 3 weeks every day for 20-30 minutes. The heat was good but the pain was still there. Then went to return it and I did not see the 30% RESTOCKING FEE! Plus the shipping and handling to and from the seller. So there really is a not a 30 day money back guarantee. READ THE RETURN POLICY!!!

  • Annette Joelle - easily to apply

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  • Cookie - Sweet relief from poison ivy itch.

    Poison ivy vines are pervasive in my neighborhood. I spend hundreds every year trying to rid it from my yard because I am a member of the unfortunate group of people who contact poison ivy when the wind blows (assuming particulate matter has come in contact with urushiol oil before becoming airborne). When I contact poison ivy, no matter how often I scrub the afflicted area nor how frequently I apply anti-histamine lotion, the itch remains maddening, yet I refuse to take oral or injected steriods. Who needs their blood sugar elevated for 6-months, fluid retention, or an increased appetite resulting from steriods? Presently, I have a rash on my lower, inner arm. I received my order of Zanfel on Friday evening and with the first application, the itch dissipated and by morning 75% of the rope-like rash had disappeared. Because Zanfel is not available locally, I'm definitely ordering more product from Amazon.

  • Khi Khi - Awesome

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