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  • Dusty - ok for the Do It Yourself person.

    Prep is everything with this product. Impromper prep will cause fisheyes or cause premature pealing. Takes too long to dry and may leave you without a tub/shower for a few days.

  • Ramo - Rock OUT with your family, learn to play guitar and have fun!

    I love teaching my kids guitar on this PS3 system game. Very rare to find in this package and im glad I bought it! A a musician, music is integral to my life and I want to share it with my children for their own development and happiness.

  • Nicole Youngman - Inconsistent manufacturing

    So after reading all of the previous reviews, I couldn't wait to get my hands on a set of these things, figuring that since I'm a longtime occultist I'd easily be able to keep them under control and then dominate the world within a week or so, depending on how long negotiations with the aliens they summoned would take. But noooooooooo, of course not, *I* had to get a freaking set of COMPLETE DUDS. Got the first one started up and it started rattling off Pi, apparently testing my patience and not much else. The second one kept trying to do a Pap smear on me (at least I hope that's what its intention was). The third and fourth ones were apparently mis-programmed Zhu Zhu pet armor, and kept trying to coerce my son's Zhus Zhus into climbing inside and doing battle--which would have been fine, except that they insisted on battling it out at the neighborhood park, and damned if I know how I'm going to pay all those "criminal mischief" fines after maxing out my credit cards to buy these things in the first place. When I got to the last one, I was desperately hoping that it would be fully functional, but the damn thing was apparently a reject from the Bush era's "No Child Left Behind" implementation agency, and promptly sat the aforementioned child down at the kitchen table and attempted to teach him how to fill in those little bubbles on the standardized tests properly--you know, shade it in completely but don't go outside the lines, use a no. 2 lead pencil, and all that. This might have been a mildly useful testing function, but he already knows all that crap from getting it drilled into him at school. I mean, come on, that's what second grade is all about these days!!

  • Sarah - Works Wonders

    LOVE! I've battled constant bad breath for over 10 years. I've had my tonsils removed because my dentist thought my tonsil stones could be causing the foul odor, wisdom teeth removed(which are known to harbor bacteria) and a back molar that had 2 bad root canals done on it. But still my bad breath continued. Tried everything under the sun! SmartMouth, regular mouth wash, flossing, tongue scraping,...My dentist said I had great oral hygiene. Even my teeth are pearly white! THIS works! Over the years I've gotten excited about a product and let down so I would just quit trying to mask my bad breath all together, I recently had a customer tell me that my breath stunk :( So I got on a kick again to try SOMETHING.ANYTHING. It's humilating! I used this before bed because I've noticed over the past month my bad breath has been horrible at night and it worked wonders! you can tell it kills the sulfer compounds and gases causing the foul odor. I watched a clip on the doctors tv show about this product. If you suffer from bad breath, give it a try!

  • Jess Admirand - Llewellyn's Datebook

    I've used Llwellyn's datebooks for nearly ten years and have yet to be disappointed by the content. The featured articles are interesting and always an enjoyable read. The esbat lore and sabbat lore is different and I often learn new things with each addition. Plus the recipes included are delicious and ones I'll go back to year after year.