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San Francisco hypnotherapy for smoking, weight loss, stress, insomnia, pain - San Francisco hypnotherapy for smoking, weight loss, stress, insomnia and pain, including self-hypnosis recordings.

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  • Adam Woodbury - WARNING: DO NOT BUY! Killed my cat!

    Please do not buy this product. We had to put my cat down because she had liver failure and several mini-strokes from wearing the collar for 2-3 weeks. There was nothing the vets could do when we brought her in. Bayer should be ashamed for putting such a dangerous product out on the market.

  • peechareno - Different than older model I had!

    Can't really say it's anything like the older one my husband owned that I shaved my legs with - the speed was much faster in yesteryear tho' not the same model, granted. The older razor body was much more substantial, and I purchased this one for a backup to my blade razor primarily. It shaved very close - once I got over the difference in speed, and yes, the cord is pretty short, but I can't stand the charging razors, so it was the better alternative there. Already returned a Lady Remington last week and a Remington trimming electric as well - they were totally useless! This is definitely better. My hair is very fine, so I don't know what it would do with a man's heavier beard, but it's worth a try with their return guarantee. All in all am satisfied with how it shaved my legs, and again, it was a close shave which was what I like for touchups with convenience. Inexpensive too - and it is great to have it around now that I've come to terms with it! Less abrasive than the older one too - again, model differences? I think I will become used to it and be glad I bought it. They really have changed things in this Disposable Item Age, that's however a given!!

  • alex sobol - getting results

    ive been using fungi cure broad spectrum which did a great job, but didn't cure it 100 percent. so i ordered this deal and been using for 3 weeks, some of the toenails are now completely cure and the surrounding skin looks healthier and the new nail looks good, however i still have 3 nails that's been a problem but its work in progress.

  • David T. Allen - Product hurt, but not as bad as the money back guarantee

    Around day 5 I started to get tooth pain. The instructions guarantee that the pain is no big deal, but I have a hard time believing that. Didn't notice any improvements in the problem area either.