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Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • AvgJo - Great purchase!!

    I am picky about my sound devices and demand quality regardless of what price I pay to purchase them. These do not disappoint! They produce clean, decent bass, unoffensive highs, and are comfortable to wear. The voice microphone is excellent and doesn't pick up a lot of extraneous background noise. I'm really pleased with this purchase!!

  • Jenn S - Nice stroller

    We bought this mainly for traveling and cruises as it folds up so easily/small but also still has great steering and doesn't feel "cheap". The fold on this stroller is very easy - you push a button then pull a cord and it fold up sorta "suitcase" style - small enough to leave lots of room for luggage or fit in a hotel/cruise ship closet. It steers well, can easily manage with one hand. Our toddler seems comfortable in it. The canopy is really generous, blocks off all sun from her lap/chest/head. When you have the stroller fully reclines you can pull up the back pouch and have full ventilation from the entire head area straight through the front as well as a vent on the top.

  • Mase Of Base - I LIKE!

    I have had issues with my Quickbooks working properly on THREE of my computers. It has given me nothing but problems. I can't say the same for Sage 50. This program has been nothing but perfection for my computer. I haven't had any issues with running it or keeping everything updated. The program is easy to understand. I am not familiar with any other Sage 50 products. This is my first software by them and I am really impressed with how well this is laid out for even the least computer savvy person could wrap their brain around.

  • Carol Rumrill - NOT for me.

    I have tried this twice and both times - it burned my skin so bad it came to the point of where I had to wash it off ! Apparently there is something in it I'm allergic to. BenGay, etc. are fine so please be careful with this. Plus the smell is horrible - my dogs stayed away from me with this on.

  • Jennifer L. Woolfolk - Really Works

    This product is exceptional at restoring vaginal flora and works better than the rephresh vaginal suppositories.

  • Monique Citron - a worthy enterprise

    These essays will entertain more than enlighten. The prove that life goes on with a positive step. It will not disappoint.

  • 24Dreamer - Pre-menopausal relief

    I am right at the beginning of what will turn into full blown menopause and if this is a precursor to what is to come, I am so thankful that I found Estrolibrium now! It has really been a life saver. I am still learning about what to expect with menopause but I know that the decreasing levels in estrogen have definitely effected my mood and sleep quite a bit and Estrolibrium has definitely helped with that. Thank goodness because I don't think my husband can take my snapping at him over the dirty dishes another day!