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  • Reed Rankin - Awesome

    It is awesome and good to watch when you are bored and want to be entertained. Also this has the best Raws in 2011.

  • LaShanndylon S. - Go to Product!

    Works well on me and my daughter and son fine wavy hair. This product and water mist onto hair makes curls so defined and springy.

  • Living La Vida - Easy downloading Over last year's/ Win 7

    We got a great price just like we do every year using Amazon. Had no problems using this on Win 7 and it loads over our last year's software so all was smooth. The only thing it didn't do was pay the taxes we owed, but, oh well. LOL

  • Brice Wheeler - Great product for outdoor lighting.

    Our front steps were very dark and we needed a way to light them up. I ordered this product because it is solar powered, motion activated and LED. Product is compact, attaches anywhere with two screws but is light enough it could possibly be secured anywhere with double-sided tape or glue. Light output is very good, motion activation brightens the light output, does not turn product off/on. Size: little bit bigger than a deck of playing cards, fits well on stair rail. I am very pleased with this product so far. I received a 50% discount to review this item, but would gladly pay full price after seeing for myself how well they work.