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Clinical Study Data Request Site - Researchers can use this site to request access to anonymised patient level data from our clinical studies to conduct further research.

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City: -70.9506 Massachusetts, United States

  • David Moffett - Way too fast for me

    I just got the game, I rented it because of the review it was receiving. I was surprise and very disappointed when I found out I would have to read how to do all the exercises, either from the help mode or the instruction book. I thought she would explain the exercise at the beginning of each one. I could just being fussy but I'm not going to read about all 18 exercises. I'm just glad I rented the darn thing.

  • Lee Duncan - Quick Books gets the job done, even on a Mac

    I don't use PCs, so when I needed QuickBooks I bought the Mac version. But it seems like Intuit focuses on the PC first and anything else second, so the functionality always seems to lag the Windows version. But it does get the job done. It is certainly not as easy to use as quicken, but does much more.

  • Nicki - Aaamazing!

    I have been suffering with a vaginal yeast infections since December. It was so bad, I tried the Anti-candida diet, Diflucan and multiple creams prescribed by the doctor and over the counter and nothing worked. I even got Bacteria Vaginosis from the creams messing up my PH. After 4 months of misery I saw the reviews for this product and decided to give it a try. I noticed a difference after day 1. 5 days later I was cured. I went to the Dr. today for an appointment I made 2 weeks before when I was having issues and he said everything looks perfect! No discharge no infection. This product is AMAZING!

  • DJ454 - very good

    gunk engine brite is one of the better engine degreasers. Ive used better products, however they have always been industrial grade stuff. This is the best and cheapest stuff i can get my hands on at any time.

  • Tom Lewis - Great to use in shower to clean mold out of the grout

    I moved into a studio that had mold in the shower stall. I tried this stuff. IT WORKS! I sprayed the stall down, used scrub brush and it took all of the mold out the grout. Much safer than using bleach which is toxic, smells nasty and does not always work.