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Anthropologie & Santé - Revue internationale francophone d'anthropologie de la santé - Anthropologie et santé est une revue scientifique semestrielle, créée à l’initiative de l’Association Amades. Elle se donne pour premier objectif de témoigner des recherches élaborées par les différentes tendances dans le champ de l’anthropologie de la santé et de la maladie : anthropologie critique des pratiques de soins, des systèmes de santé et des institutions ; épidémiologie socioculturelle ; anthropologie clinique ; anthropologie politique de la santé ; anthropologie médicale appliquée; etc.

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • Collin Suttles - Pump it up!!

    I own a bar and we use these to save our wines that we serve. When using this product, you wine bottle will easily stay fresh for three times longer than normal. Works with any bottle of wine, even champagne bottles. Also works on beer bottles which is awesome!! Very easy to pump bottles and it works great. The only reason I am not giving 5 stars is that I have to buy a new one of these every 6 months of so for the bar, which is not a huge deal because of the price but is fairly annoying none the less. Over time, it just seems to give out for some reason and will no longer pump air out of the bottle. That being said, I think for home use this product would last at least several years if used regularly and probably a lifetime if used occasionally. I would recommend this to anyone who drinks beer or wine!

  • Amazon Customer - I do feel a little cheated

    Like many in here, I'll admit that this is the best book I've ever read. It make "To Kill a Mockingbird" read like a piece of petrified dinosaur poop.

  • tpolen - Many Aspects To Enjoy

    I had such fun reading this book. My oldest son turned me into a dinosaur nerd when he was around 5 years old (he carried plastic dinosaurs with him wherever we went), so I loved the adventure and wonder of discovering new dinosaur breeds and fossils in this novel.