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    Country:, Europe, DE

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  • Holly - A little skimpy

    My son loves wildlife and we spend lots of time in our illustrated encyclopedias on the topic like "Animal Life" and "One Million things. This magazine is fun to get in the mail but they dont get looked at. Perhaps it is best for kids that can read on their own.

  • Kevin Ashworth - My kids even noticed the poor fit. I am so disappointed

    Got a $125 gift card from my mom for Christmas, paid an additional $100 to get the form-fit liners for our 2014 Expedition. Made the order, waited almost 3 weeks to receive them. They arrive yesterday, all in one box. The fronts are individually wrapped, which I'd expect. However the one-piece, 2nd row liner is unwrapped and folded in half in the box. Take them all out and only the driver side front actually fits correctly, the front passenger liner has a 1-2" gap between the liner and the side of the floorboard where it meets the dash. The 2nd row liner - likely from being folded in half for over for a week while it was being shipped - doesn't align to the contours of the 2nd row floorboard at all. My kids even noticed the poor fit. I am so disappointed. I think I may send them back, just not sure it's worth the hassle, and also don't want to hurt my mom's feelings since it was a gift.

  • Emma R. - This is the best repellent I have ever used

    This is the best repellent I have ever used. I hang my wash out on clothes lines & work on the yard. I was always getting bug bites on my ankles & legs. Not anymore. This Off has a pleasent smell & is a lotion. Perfect!!!!!!!

  • Rebecca Romig - Extremely worth it

    This book was a wonderful resource in helping me study for the NCLEX-RN exam. The critical thinking pathways were easy to understand and follow and there were plenty of practice questions to help me use those thinking pathways. The CD was helpful too on days I wanted to study but was tired of reading. If it weren't for this book, I might not have been successful in my first NCLEX-RN exam attempt. Thank you Kaplan for helping me pass! I would highly reccomend this book to graduate nurses.