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  • Gillian L. Rosheuvel - Introducing

    It's interesting to view this album through the lens of history. Whether aware of it or not, most music fans are quite familiar with Massive and the long shadow they've cast over pop music. But 11 years ago, the mix of musical styles that would later come to be termed (somewhat simplistically) trip-hop was new and invigorating. Listening to it in 2002, "Blue Lines" has the effect of taking you back to the year of your choice: 1975 ("Be Thankful For What You've Got"), 1988 ("Daydreaming"); 1991 ("Lately"). Yet, this album is no retro piece. Instant classics like "Safe From Harm", "Unfinished Sympathy", and "Five Man Army" herald new approaches to hip-hop and dance music in particular, and pop music in general.

  • orcjaw - Works well...too well?

    It gets a 3 star because IT DID indeed work. I received a free sample in a bundle of coupons i got in the mail. it said in my cupboard forever- but since i have chronic trouble falling and staying asleep i thought i would give it a try. OUT LIKE A LIGHT--BUT, it worked a little TOO WELL for me. im not a dainty flower, im short and heavy set so i took the recommended dose for adults aged 12 and up (two gel pills). it worked fast, but when i had to get up in the night with my toddler, i found that i was VERY VERY dizzy, disoriented, ready to collapse on the floor for more zzzzzzz's. the next morning i was still very drowsy.

  • Elle S - Cumbersome and difficult to tighten.

    We have been using maxi cosi Pria 70, 2015 model for about four months now. It is very comfy to our toddler who is 1.5 years currently. She's a taller but slimmer than average baby. We removed the infant insert after about one month (she was 13 months at the time), and she still fits nice and snug. It's a heavy and stable seat that makes me feel it is very safe. The frustration points for me as a mom: interchanging between vehicles and travel is quite cumbersome, and the harness is difficult and sometimes impossible to tighten. I have come to near tears trying to get it to move at times when im in a hurry or in bad weather. It gets stuck with a metal piece on the back of the seat, and you have to work at juggling and pulling on it vigorously to get it to tighten EVERY time. This is very annoying, and slows down the in/out time of your day. Go ahead and plan your errands to take longer as you sit and struggle with this seat to get it to perform properly when securing that belt. Otherwise, it's probably worth the effort to have a highly rated, safe seat for your child. Most moms would think it's worth the time spent, but I hope they will improve future models to function smoothly. We use two other brand car seats while traveling regularly, and they are lighter and much easier to negotiate getting in/out. This is a bear to take through the airport, so save yourself the trouble and get a different seat to travel with or rent cars that come with them.