Wyoming Rx Card - Free Statewide Prescription Assistance Program - The Wyoming Rx Card program is a FREE statewide Rx assistance program available to all residents.
Country:, North America, US
City: -90.9714 Louisiana, United States
First thoughts on this thing when I received it: its much heavier and bigger than my other AP's. I was running business class router, firewall, and access points at my house (I am in the IT field) but my wifi was lacking (in speed, range, no ac, etc) and I didn't feel like running more CAT6 to pop up more AP's.
My kids loved this book because it uses real life situations to visualize how great it is when dad is helping. Daddy is always there to save the day and to dream of him as a super hero is validating how wonderful a n d magical life is with mommy AND daddy present.