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Country:, North America, US
City: -75.4083 Pennsylvania, United States
Purchased this for my son's birthday. Whilst assembling it, we find that the Allen keys are missing. Just a little ticked off right now :( .
This book was a lot of fun to read and had elements Clark and Sagan (Rama and Contact) and even some elements of the movie Abyss in terms of how people react to new and potentially threatening situation. These are all great stories and Ms. Wells has added another to the genre. The character development starts great, but then kind of falls off towards the end. The heroine also changed her personality and feelings toward her love interest without any real reason. Frankly with only seven main characters it unfortunate when all the development stopped at the end. I assume there will be a squeal and I will certainly read it, but hopefully it won't feel like the book was pinched off at the end.
this phone would be great if it keep a charge for more than a few hours. Everytime I go to use it, it needs recharging.