Uniquepos - Point of Sale Systems, Point of Sale Software, Barcode Scanner, Barcode Printing, Mobile Computing, CCTV and RFID Experts located in New Rochelle NY, 10801 - Shop the largest selection of Aldelo PRO, Aldelo Lite and Microsoft Retail Management Systems.
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City: -97.7073 Texas, United States
It crashed my computer. What do I do? All the computer does is say the disc drive is not working, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot. What's that all about?
It does what's advertised, but I did have to do a quick edit to the the sound settings to make it work with my Vizio TV. I purchased this to run Launchbox, a front end to video game emulation. Most emulated platforms work, but this thing does not have a special graphics card and Nintendo Game Cube emulation could not be run. M.A.M.E.,SNES, Mupen64plus,Vcoleco, Nestopia, and Atari emulators all worked just fine. If you're doing something like this, get the 64GB micro SD card and you can fit 6000 old games on one little device that's hidden behind your TV.