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Country:, South America, BR
City: -43.2192 , Brazil
i have the hardcopy of first aid 2011 and then bought the kindle edition but what made disappointed is the way they handled charts and tables scanned and placed and to make it worse a low resolution which looks so bad when zooming.plz amazon we are payimg the same as the hardcopy plz we expect high quality product
This Dr. Song All Natural Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder with Active Charcoal was a weird try for me. I have seen a handful of products like this but had never had the guts to try it out. Frankly put, rubbing black stuff all over your teeth to make them whiter seems a little counter productive. I followed the instructions. I brushed with this black powder for 2 mins prior to brushing my teeth. With the Black Powder all over my teeth it made me think of pirate's teeth. They looked disgusting. It feels gritty and doesn't bubble up or lather up or however you would describe what toothpaste does. Also with how gross it looks I would imagine it also taste horrible, but to my surprise it doesn't really have a taste. After the first use I noticed a slight change in color on my teeth. A slight removing of the stains. After a few days of using it the different was much more noticeable. I was so happy with how much of a change! Plus I barely used any so far. So I feel like this will last quite awhile. I did receive this All Natural Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder with Active Charcoal at a discounted price in order to check it out and give some honest feedback after my own personal use. All in all it is quite impressive. A cheaper, more natural, alternative to getting your teeth whitened at a dentist or cosmetically at the very least. I don't know if it does anything to strengthen your teeth but it certainly worked on the staining and doesn't seem to have weakened them in any way. In my opinion it is worth the try, especially at this price and with a money back guarantee.