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Here we have a strong, well educated woman who is placed in a challenging situation of life and death and she doesnt have to kill everyone to save the day. I cant wait to see how the next part turns out'
This is the best leave in conditioner! I ought to own stock in this company I have referred so many people to this product. Your hair still feels soft even after you style it when you use this product. It prevents your hair from drying out when you blow dry it or even when I swim. My ends stop splitting since my hairdresser introduce me to this product. I purchase the larger size to use at home and the travel size to take on vacation with me. I highly recommend this product.
I borrowed this book from a friend. Read it thoroughly. Some of the information is valid (vitamins to take, foods to eat or avoid). Other opinions are old world wive's tales i,e., menstruation is not natural. OK, I can ignore the stupid stuff (although there shouldn't be stupid stuff in a book for Black people who already suffer as medical guinea pigs). What I found and EXPERIENCED as very dangerous is one recipe in particular - on page 72 (of the revised and expanded 7th edition) under the heading "Anthelmentic Enemas (gets rid of worms)." It calls for 1-2 CUPS of salt mixed with lemon or lime juice (no amt given), with warm water (no amt given). I used 1 cup of salt with a 1/4 cup of lemon juice in a hot water bottle of warm water. I administered the enema and within 15 minutes my body went into shock. Severe pain in legs and feet, lower back and stomach with vomiting and bleeding from the rectum. I drove myself to the emergency room. I was immediately admitted. A colonoscoopy revealed that the salt and lemon juice mixture had caused perforations in my colon! Had the perforations penetrated the outer wall of my colon I could have died from peritonitis (they told me). Here I am in the hospital 3 days later and the bleeding is still an issue. I am on a bland diet awaiting a follow-up colonoscopy (in 30 days) to see if the damage has healed or left scarring. My "new" gasteroenterologist said, "Throw that @#%*@*! book away!" I will give it back to the party who loaned it to me with red X's across the enema recipes whether they like it or not. This book has BAD INFORMATION. And in my opinion, if you only crash your car once a month, you still aren't considered a good driver on the other 29 days!
I've tried a few flavors, and love the strawberry and chocolate. I ordered the vanilla raspberry on a whim and am disappointed with the flavor. I thought it would be as delicious as the strawberry, but it tastes like pepto.
i received the Premium Stainless Steel Solar Garden Lights at no charge to myself as part of a promotion from the seller who is tring to get is product and brand name out there.
I really thought they would have all the quirks ironed out after so many versions of this game and gun hardware. The gun doesn't calibrate perfectly, you can get used to using it without aiming if that makes any sense. The sound on the game sounds like blown out speakers, nothing I tried to fix this had any effect. The red tint inside the "scope" is an absolute inhibition to using it. It might work better if I broke it out of there. All in all, the arcade mode is really the only way I can even see using the game with my 3 young kids. All in all it fell short big time.
I will follow up again but did a pair of work boots, seems to be wearing right off, to expensive for the result.....