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Where applicable, this may be the strongest glue available. It is certainly very strong and versatile. I have used it for everything from model airplanes to a cast iron candle holder. However, it must be clamped while it sets, as it expands while setting. It does not not harden in the bottle so any amount not used can be used at a later time. The glue is water activated, one side of two pieces to be attached should be moistened. When set the joint is waterproof.
I think it's an awesome product. I love to feel the the minty burn each time I use it. Seems like it has also helped me with my dandruff problem. Thumbs up!!
Great shoe. I am no pro biker, but these work great. They fit perfect, very comfortable. The latch on the top buckle is good and sturdy, makes for a very easy to use shoe that fits tight with good comfort.
Very happy with purchase. Big bottle, delivered on time. Vitex takes time to take effect, so I cannot attest to effectiveness as of yet.