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City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States
I fail to understand why Amazon continues to lump together reviews from different DVD releases as if they were all the same. It can be difficult to figure out if a review is referring to the particular DVD or of some prior release. Often the only help is the date of the review. In any event I greatly enjoyed the blu ray release. I did not compare it to an earlier release that I own but I found that the blu ray images were sharp and without a lot of artifact. I noted, as did others, the occasional skipped frame or jump, but I did not find them bothersome. I only listened to the monaural sound track so I cannot comment on any benefit from the 5.1 mix. The monaural track sounded fine.
I have been using this product for about a week now, I did get a pimple and after the first 2 days of using it, it went away.
I've had severe dry skin on my face for about 10 years. Flaky skin that just keeps drying out and falling off, across my eyebrows, sides of nose, and around the mouth. I've seen doctors, gotten prescriptions, bought recommended over the counter lotions, all with no luck. Nothing I could find would work more than an hour or two before the dry skin returned. It's gotten so bad over the last 3-4 years that after I put on a moisturizing lotion and going out I would get strange looks at stores after just an hour or so, when my skin would dry out and begin to flake. I've tried every product imaginable, lotions, scrubs, special moisturizers, prescription lotions, goat's milk soap, cutting open Vitamin E capsules and rubbing on the face, using olive oil, etc.
As a collector of unstable chemical elements who doesn't have the time to personally extract the good stuff from uraninite, I was really excited about finally being able to purchase this product online.