Restag - Home - La Restag S.r.l. è una società operante nel settore delle Energie Rinnovabili e specializzata in impianti Fotovoltaici, a Biogas, Solare termici, Microeolici, Microidroelettrici, di Cogenerazione e di Riscaldamento/raffrescamento a bassa entalpia accoppiato alla Geotermia.
Country:, Europe, IT
City: 11.8833 Province of Arezzo, Italy
Some of these reviews had me laughing out loud. I especially liked the one from the person who is waiting for the audio book.
Poured 8 Fl.Oz. into the engine via the oil filling opening. Saw white smoke from the exhaust pipe; malodorous exhaust. Oil turned black after 800 miles. Ditto w/ the 2nd 8 Fl.Oz. Oil is not black yet at 600 miles. I do believe that it is cleaning out the sludges and gums from the engine of the 18 1/2 old car. Recommend it for cleaning one's car engine.
I had an 12" sub in a regular sized box in my old car but when I got my truck it took up too much space so it got stored away. After years in storage I decided I wanted a sub again so I got this box to put it in. My sub doesn't require much air space so this box was perfect for it. Between this box and my sub my system sounds complete again.
This product claims to be a YETI - but there is no logo on the product. Not even the clear plastic lid has a logo. I will wait to see if the product keeps ice cold, etc. I feel this is a real rip-off. It LOOKS like a Yeti - put the true Yeti has the dark blue Yeti sticker - plus the Yeti logo is embossed on the stainless steel. Plus the clear plastic lid has the Yeti logo. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A YETI TUMBLER.
So many parts of the books early chapters are riveting and supported by data selected to support the conundrum of our way of life. We can all see ourselves in this book even if we would like to be beyond its thesis. For once we do not blame our circumstances on racial profiling....however we do slip into a dissection that believes we control our future, we do not live a part of a global world and market, we can hope our way out of it, and that Americans are the ONLY exceptional people in the world. The book speaks to regaining our values without acknowledging that our values were built on colonialism, imperialism, acceptance of minority views if they were kept to themselves, and greed. The book seems to advocate Christian fundamentalism as the basis to American exceptionalism, when it was religious diversity and occasionally unfettered immigration that seems to have been more profound in the success of the American project. Fascinating read however .
The fact alone I've dropped my phone 10 times while its in the lumee case and it hasn't broken is a five star for me you only have to charge a stays charged for a long time it's really really bright which is why sometimes I don't even need it