RENINC – Refugee Educators' Network | Refugee Educators' Network - Archive of information about SE Asian refugees who resettled in the Sacramento area; heritage language schools for Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish
Country:, Europe, UA
City: 30.5233 , Ukraine
This program is a system resource hog. I was running Win 7 4gb ddr2 AMD dual core 2.2gb and experienced crashes left and right. However after a significant upgrade...
I ordered this product as a safer alternative to help me focus is college. I must say it definately helps me, I noticed a difference on the 2nd day. I take it everyday now, not just school days. I always felt like my head was "cloudy" , I am able to focus more on day to day, conversations, classwork, and my fulltime job. I feel like I'm getting more things accomplished every day. This supplement is worth the try!!
These knives are worth about $300-400, the only reason to pay the high price is for the warranty but good luck getting them to fix anything. Huge waste of money!!!
I just received 2 of my 4 articles of clothing I purchased. One piece (a romper) wasn't was very cheap material but i can work with it. The maxi dress I ordered was aboslutely awful! It is NOTHING like what it looks like in the picture! I advise NO ONE to order off this app/website! It's a waste of money! You get what you pay for that is for sure!
She stands there, proudly on the counter, with those realistic chipmunk cheeks, ready to take on any nut who gets in her way. After you see what she can do to a walnut, you will be reminded of what she's going to do to what's left of this country. She's going to crack it wide open like a chestnut. This is a great gift for anyone who isn't with her...maybe for those that are with her too!
I normally can't stand instant mash potatoes, but these are the best. My wife is even a potato snob, and she thinks these are great as well. Creamy, easy to make, full flavor with no funny processed taste. I've even made them low-cal with just water, and while not as good as the version with milk, still outstanding. Get them!