Radioprotection - Radioprotection, theoretical calculation of doses - radioactive fallout - biological effects of ionising radiation or radiobiology - experimental studies (dosimetry, reactor physics, radiochemistry), radiobiological risk management
Country:, Europe, FR
City: 2.3387 , France
This seem like a great product and a good idea, but it doesn't fit my 2014 4Runner. The corners on the safe are very squared off while the interior corners of the Toyota hitch are more rounded - so it doesn't fit. Can't return it because the packaging got thrown away, so it just sits on my counter irritating me until I can figure out what to do with it..
Very little information on the CDs - Don't waste your money, you can easily find this information on the Web.
initially when i bought this i wasnt expecting a lot. So my hair was already damaged, my old highlights were turning brassy and i just dont have the time for retouch ups and all. so i went with jet black. I also thought the highlighted hair might not all be one toned black color but boy was i wrong. My entire hair now is all evenly black and i love it! One bottle was just enough for my medium length hair so if you have longer i suggest to buy another one.
I bought this to replace a CIsco unit I was leasing from TWC/Charter. The speed tests are marginally less than what the leased modem performed at, but that's not a huge issue. Whet is amazing is how hot this unit gets. I'm using the Linksys supplied power supply, so that isn't the issue. Right now the unit is suspended in the air and it is still uncomfortably hot. I will definitely be powering off the unit when not in use. I am not happy it runs as hot as it does.
This is beyond my expectations!!!! I'm in love with this stroller. I remember while pregnant, a store worker at babies R us, recommend us this stroller but I already made my mind so I picked a travel system from Graco. It was a great stroller but it was too heavy and bulky.