Pain Free Group Management - State of the art compounding facility specializing in Pain Free topical creams as an alternative to Opioid oral pain medications
Country:, North America, US
City: -74.0052 New York, United States
I have been a quickbooks user since the 90's. I can say with authority that this company consistently turns out buggy software and has no interest whatsoever in supporting mac. For years they simply walked away, until mac became too big to ignore. Why do I continue with this garbage? Because I have so many years of business data that re-keying everyone would be crazy, and Intuit makes sure there are no other ways to do it. I can't begin to count all the wasted hours with crashes, customer "support" that takes your money and doesn't solve your problem. This company is greedy and incompetent.
I have used this product for some time now. I have gone off it at times when i have become complacent about my breath--but time and time again i continue to re order. It not only makes the breath 'not smelly'--but your breath will literally smell like strawberries after you have used it regularly for about a week. I used to never kiss my husband when we got married. I used to not talk alot around him as well--as my horrid breath would literally saturate and permeate the entire room! Now we kiss all the time and I feel so good about my breath it is like getting a confidence makeover! And I don't feel at all uncomfortable talking in 'close quarters'. I actually am excited to do so--because people will even comment--"your breath smells like strawberries" I am so proud of my fresh, sweet breath!