:: Welcome to NMCP - National Malaria Control Programme :: - Globally, millions of deaths attributable to malaria are still being recorded. The disease constitutes a huge epidemiologic burden in Africa and continues to cripple the economic development in the region. mosquitoIn Nigeria, the disease is responsible
Country:, Africa, NG
City: 3.35 Ogun State, Nigeria
WOW, my teeth are sparkling WHITE!! This product is so interesting. As it says, only use a little, it goes a long way. I love that it is all natural and the charcoal really leaves your teeth squeaky smooth, slick & clean! So awesome!! It is loose powder so be careful with it and only use a tiny amount, it took me a couple of times to get this down. After brushing I did a coconut oil pulling and that completed the mouth hygiene regime! I am most excited to have found this product and I highly recommend it to all. Disclaimer: I received a discount on this product in exchange for my honest review.
total waste. friend of mine bought one for $40 from the store. I told him Amazon has it for half the price. Once received I put the ice into the cup, melted within 2 hours. Granted water is cold. His Yeti? Ice lasted ALL DAY and it was in the blazing heat. You compare the 2 cups and they look identical to the naked eye, however, after careful review, the one which is half the price has smaller writing and the stamp on bottom (stating designed in Austin) is stamped on the actual cup, on this one it is taped on.