Nanosilv Efficenza EnergeticaNANOSILV Efficienza Energetica | Trattamenti protettivi in edilizia per l'efficenza energetica - Nanosilv Efficenza Energetica vende pitture per il trattamento superfici in metallo, cemento, malta, pietre, marmo, granito, argilla, legno e cartongesso
Country:, Europe, IT
City: 11.8833 Province of Arezzo, Italy
I have the typical non-racial mixed black girl hair; Nappy and kind of rough. My co-worker exclaimed how wonderful this product this is for natural hair, and I my hair would be so curly. I went to whole foods and purchased knot today and Curling Custard together, went and applied hair products as described on the bottles. And trust me when I tell you that I looked a hot mess!
I inherited some Cutco from my grandmother who died over 40 years ago. THEY ARE MY FAVORITE "GO-TO" KNIVES. I have had numerous other sets through the years...but I keep going back to my tried and true. I have purchased additional Cutco over the years and coukdn't be happier. I LOVE THEM. They stay sharp and have a LIFETIME GUARANTEE, which includes free (rarely needed) . You cannot beat the quality or the warranty. I give them as gifts and even have them engraved. If I only had one knife, it would be a Cutco. I wouldn't want to live without them.
I used this in med school 10+ years ago now. It was a lot skinnier then. my scribe just got into med school so I bought this for her as a gift. looks more sophisticated than back then. still excellent layout where you can add notes in the margins, lots of spacing. review of books in the back. awesome schematics and pictures.
Awful awful product! I thought this product would be extremely helpful for getting rid of my acne due to the high amount of salicylic acid; however the result was the complete opposite. Yes, it did get rid of my acne, my acne was gone in a matter of three days; however, with every application of the product, my face would tingle and burn so much and my skin would be so irritated and red. After three days of using this system, my face was so red and raw to the point where my skin began to peel off like I was a snake! It was like this system gave me an awful sunburn that I never asked for. Oh and I can't forget to mention, the products smelled so strong, the scents of each one were nauseating. I would not recommend this product, but kudos to you if this helped your acne disappear! Such a miss with buying this product.
I've had this monitor for a few months now and I'm very happy with it. Colors are good after some minor tweaking, overall a beautiful panel. As others have said, the stand is kind of flimsy but unless you plan on shaking/kicking your desk a lot then it wont be a problem. Don't bother installing the software for it, its completely unnecessary/useless. Would buy another one if I had the need to.