Mother Earth's Storehouse - Founded in 1978, Mother Earth's is commited to providing you with the best possible customer service and high quality, organic and natural products.
Country:, North America, US
City: -82.3024 Florida, United States
You can almost hear the faint sounds of the country mice dancing around in my pantry cabinets, squeaking out holiday carols and celebrating the new festive fragrance of Fresh Cab as they devour our food items! I have a cedar pantry cabinet in my kitchen with three shelves and noticed that the little rascals had made their way in for the cold season, what with the tiny droppings and chewed up food containers. So, I sent the husband to Ace to buy a box of Fresh Cab, my Mom told me to give it a try since it was an earth-friendly, humane alternative (me being half a hippie, not wanting to kill the little guys). So $15 later, I placed two pouches in my cedar cabinet (they say 1 for every 8 square feet of contained space, so I doubled it) and went to sleep. In the morning, I opened the cabinet to find that not only was there a whole new crop of turds, but they had eaten through a box of taco shells that one pouch of the Fresh Cab was propped against. Much to my surprise, when I removed the second pouch of Fresh Cab, they had EATEN THROUGH THE BAG and then took several dumps on it!!! Now, how these things are supposed to work outdoors, in a tractor or a garage or RV is beyond me when they will not work in a tiny, enclosed indoor area. It seems that the mice really enjoyed the holiday scent, and the Fresh Cab put them in the Holiday Spirit, because they ate through a tub of shortening, a bag of chocolate chips (sealed in a coffee can), a bag of brown sugar (also sealed in a can) and a bag of bread flour....just a few more ingredients and they have the proper makings of some nice holiday cookies! Bottom line, save your $15 and buy a humane, no kill trap - poison and sticky traps are just sadistic. I bought a "Tin Cat" that can hold 30 mice (works like a crab trap, they get in but cannot exit) and you just lure them in with peanut butter and release them up the road at the annoying neighbor's house. Also, the Fresh Cab box says that you can send them your receipt and UPC code from the container and they will refund your $$$ - I plan on doing that as well ; )
Love!! I used this on my skin during the summer and it gave me a really nice glow. Also great to mix in with face oils to prevent acne, dark spots, and dryness.
I cannot stress enough, how much I've come to love this product! First off a little back story. Our long haired Golden Retriever/Black Lab mix got fleas late last summer. She's an indoor dog, so how she got these is beyond me...and I'm going out on a limb here, but my only guess was from either the Vet's office or the park (grass). Anyhow, a few hundreds of dollars later...and non stop dusting from a DE treatment I did to our entire house a few months ago (yes, I still have tons of DE coming up everywhere UGH!) we've finally found something that works!