Moreton Cross Group Practice - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more - Moreton Cross Group Practice Pasture Road Health Centre,Pasture Road,Moreton,Wirral CH46 8SA, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more
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There aren’t many hair growth products out there that market to women, so I was very happy to see that this product offered directions for ladies as well. I followed the suggestion for women to dilute this half and half with water. After two months this has not only stopped me from losing more hair, but has actually produced new hair growth. I am impressed and very pleased with the progress this is helping me make against hair loss.
Items arrived in less than a week after ordering. Installed them in about 10-15mins. Screws supplied were phillips head not torx. Forward crossbar is wider than rear one so after a quick measure, got ready to install. Rear screw holes were a bit off, so I swung the rear one 180 deg. and they lined up perfectly.
For the price, this a good day to day laptop. I can play games on Facebook with no problems. The only thing that made me to give a 4 star instead of 5 is that the keyboard is not back-lit so until you type you don't know if your are typing with lower or upper cases. Other then that, I will give it a clean swipe ( came loaded with loads of crap), and will be good to go. Keyboard is easy on typing, since I type very fast, colors are good, again , for this price, don't expect a gaming computer, but for school, and everyday surfing, watching movies on Netflix or Amazon video, this is a good laptop !
My daughter saved her money to buy this puppy and she has been very happy with it--the second time. We had to send the original back because it was making a weird noise, but the second works well. She named it Sunshine and carries it around wherever she goes. Best part--no potty training accidents!