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Country:, North America, CA
City: -123.3145 British Columbia, Canada
waste of money did as instruction said to do ,did not work,would not waste your money,go to a head shop
Love the Immortal Ops series. This was a fast moving book that has great characters and good plot. Immortal Ops Team Captain Lukian Vlakhusha and his newest target Peren ended up falling hard and fast for each other.
I don't care how good the product is. When I see that Life Cell Skincare uses the old trick of pay only $4.25 and get charged the full $189, I can see what kind of people are running the show. Please read the terms and conditions before you provide your credit card information.
Works O.K. Not great on grease/ oil stains. There were some food stains on a couch. Worked fine on ketchup and tomato sauce (the couch is orange already, though). But any food oil remained stains after use.
This isn't an incredible movie, but it is a fun movie to watch with some great action scenes. The movie follows Hercules, the "Greek Hero." The thing I particularly like about this movie is that, although Hercules is portrayed as a hero to commoners, the movie watcher has insight to the true nature of Hercules. He is a mercenary who has gained acclaim as a hero by spreading rumors about himself in an attempt to scare foes into surrender before he even has to fight. The 12 trials are born out of embellished tasks for a mercenary (i.e. the hydra is really a group of bandits who wear snake masks to hide their identity). Don't expect Oscar performance, but it is a fun movie with some great and exciting fight scenes and Dwayne Johnson does a great job in his role.