Sfaturi medicale MedicAS - Revista medicala - Revista medicala MedicAs ofera sfaturi medicale din cele mai variate domenii de medicina si lifestyle. Sfaturi medicale importante pentru o sanatate de fier.
Country:, Europe, DE
City: 9.491 , Germany
This is the first time I buy an illustrated novel so I had no idea what to expect.There was a part of me that expected this to be sort of like a kinder garden book and for there to be illustrations on every single page. Fair warning to all those who think like me, we are wrong! Sometimes there where 6-8 pages without any illustrations. Now, that's not to say that the book has a small quantity of them. Being such a long novel artist Jim Kay had a lot to work with and he made good use of it. The illustrations are stunning and there are quite a few that I would love to have in prints to frame and placed in my room. That is how good the illustrations are in this book.
I suggest this book to everyone. It was very detail oriented and left few questions for me. I am a huge planner, so this had a lot to live up to. I took a look at other travel books and they don't compare. This one is it. I really loved his suggested tours, the websites and info he gives, and also the maps provided. You need a guide to read ahead of time if you travel abroad. When I do again, I will buy his books.
I have been hooked on this series since book one. Now er get Katz's story!! And what a story it is !!