Medical Supplies & Equipment Company - Online Hospital Equipment Supplier of Reliable Hospital Beds & Cribs, Medical Cabinets & Carts, Phlebotomy Chairs, Exam Lights, Chiropractic & Exam Tables, Exam Gloves, Cubicle Curtains, Patient Lifts
Country:, North America, US
City: -97.822 , United States
I received the CD ROM disk on Sat. 17 May 2014. I was very pleased with the fast delivery of the CD. I was able to download the software on my friend's laptop. When my antivirus software expires, I will definitely be purchasing Webroot for my anitivirus software!!! Very pleased!!! Excellent service!!!
Much brighter than stock fog lights. Does require slight wiring modification but all the necessary harnesses are supplied
The R/T Plus is overall a great car, fun to drive, exterior fit and finish is good. Interior is nice but had a lot of squeaks that I had to have the dealership try to fix. Get's better gas mileage than my 2014 Dodge Charger. The only small thing is the radio doesn't have an off switch so don't look for one!