Community Pharmacy in Mathews, Virginia - Mathews Pharmacy - Your local Mathews Pharmacy's community pharmacy in Mathews, Virginia, offering prescriptions refills and personal service.
Country:, North America, US
City: -87.8671 Illinois, United States
After taking the 2 pills twice daily to start, I did have a noticeable improvement in my knees. It didn't cure a sprain any faster, but has eased the soreness in my knee joints. I've also noticed an improvement in my shoulders which used to ache at night.
In July when it was very hot and humid here I found myself reading the Twelve Days of Christmas. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was very lighthearted and funny but also came with a deeper meaning.
I think my brother in law who is a plumber summed it up by saying "I pump septic tanks and move port-a-pots for a living and I have never smelled anything like that". That sums it up!! lol.