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I stopped after about three hours. Supposedly best-in-the-world professionals acted like children. For example, they're docking with an alien spacecraft and bickering about the docking procedure as they do it. What professional astronauts would do that? Or forgetting to get non-disclosure forms signed and exposing classified data on an meet-and-greet with a candidate. Or just the idea that a world-renowned linguist wouldn't be interested even in learning more about an opportunity to communicate with an intelligent alien civilization.
I really enjoyed this book, the story line kept me interested and engaged. The only complaint I had was the misspelling, missing words as well as misused words. Need a new proof reader. Other wise I would have given this book 5 stars.
For Xbox One, this game kinda stinks. It doesn't really use the Kinect technology in any meaningful just see a very, very, tiny little silhouette of yourself at the top or bottom of the screen. You might as well just have a much-cheaper DVD showing a dancer on your screen, as this program doesn't really provide anything more than that. Unless you like the hokey "rating" it gives you, which is far from a reasonable assessment of your actual dancing. I'm not a dancer (got it for my wife), and I can get "good" and "nice job" just flailing my arms :)
Another serial which failed to produce a follow up, as yet. Good read, though. I don't usually go for Fantasy, but this is a weird take. Don't know if you can relate to this, but the writers style is kind of like literary Jazz. Always an odd note or something from what could suddenly be from your own world. Really great in that way. I would follow this writer through more of these books, should they grace us with any.
I have had anger issues the majority of my life. They only got worse after going to the middle east for the US Army. After my tour I developed an anxiety issue. I battled constantly with it, every day. This tea eliminates all of my anxiety. I am happier, my work is better, people like me waaaaaay more.
Well-written and researched book by Murray on how America has lost its way, culturally speaking. Though he doesn't address the corrupt behavior of our "Ruling Elite" that is well-documented in "Throw Them All Out," he offers a path to America finding common ground and once again becoming a sound country.