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Δημήτρης Ψυρρόπουλος - Ειδικός Καρδιολόγος - 2310 913 880 & 6944 372 956, Κλεάνθους 16, Περιοχή Ιπποκράτειο, Θεσσαλονίκη ΤΚ 54642 - Δημήτρης Ψυρρόπουλος - Ειδικός Καρδιολόγος - 2310 913 880 & 6944 372 956, Κλεάνθους 16, Περιοχή Ιπποκράτειο, Θεσσαλονίκη ΤΚ 54642

  • http://www.kardiologos-1.net/home/ Δημήτρης Ψυρρόπουλος - Ειδικός Καρδιολόγος - 2310 913 880 & 6944 372 956, Κλεάνθους 16, Περιοχή Ιπποκράτειο, Θεσσαλονίκη ΤΚ 54642 - Δημήτρης Ψυρρόπουλος - Ειδικός Καρδιολόγος - ProCardia Medical Institute / An Integrated Cardio Metabolic and Ergometric Centre for Adults and Children - 2310 913 880 & 6944 372 956 - Κλεάνθους 16 - Περιοχή Ιπποκράτειο - Θεσσαλονίκη - ΤΚ 54642
  • http://www.kardiologos-1.net/%cf%83%cf%87%ce%b5%cf%84%ce%b9%ce%ba%ce%ac-%ce%bc%ce%b5-%ce%b5%ce%bc%ce%ac%cf%82/ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ - ΚΑΡΔΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ :: Ψυρρόπουλος Δημήτρης - Ειδικός Καρδιολόγος Ενηλίκων & Παίδων / ProCardia Medical Institute / (0030) 2310 913880 - Ψυρρόπουλος Δημήτριος, Καρδιολόγος, Καρδιολογία, Μεταβολικό σύνδρομο, παχυσαρκία, διαβήτης, υπέρταση, λιπίδια

    Country:, Europe, CZ

    City: 14.4667 Hlavni mesto Praha, Czechia

  • R. Beck - Excellent mesh WiFi network!

    Excellent! I live in an old home with lots of thick walls that are made of plaster. I picked up a $300 Asus router thinking it would reach the entire house. Nope! When I would go down just 1 level to the living room, our Amazon Fire TV box would show a signal strength of just 1 or 2 bars. Now granted the videos played just fine, but I'm a WiFi nut and want 4-5 bars throughout my entire house! LOL :-)

  • The Dowager Countess - 5 Stars for the product, 3 Stars for the shipping.

    I LOVE BigSexyHair Volumizing “Spray & Play” Hairspray! I’ve been using it daily for the last few years, along with the B.S.H. Blow Dry Volumizing Gel. My hair is on the finer side and can fall limp around midday. Thank goodness for hair products! This hairspray gives more “meat” to my hair and lasts for hours with a decent amount of hold without leaving it stiff. There is some buildup, but nothing that regular washings won’t take care of. NOTE: There IS a difference between the B.S.H “Spray & Play” hairspray and the “Spray & Play Harder” version. The latter makes your hair feel a lot more stiff and has more buildup, IMO. I’d stick with the original “Spray and Play” if you are trying this product for the first time.

  • Mrs. Ann Mcfarland - So far so good...

    I bought this product after a bit of study and research. I was told by the nail tech that I had a bit of nail fungus! (I was horrified!) So before I went the 'extreme' pharmeceutical route (with side effects). I chose Zetaclear because it offered a homeopathic remedy made from different oils. I have been using it a month and so far the new nail growth is clear and free of fungus and yellowing. I have given up wearing nail polish, keep my feet dry and wear cotton socks. When and if the entire nail/nail bed is free of yellow/fungus/flaking - I will definately give this product a big 5 star rating. But for now So far and so good...