Jim Gagne, MD,: Patient & Practice Information - Jim Gagne MD practices pain management and addiction medicine in Glendale, CA, (818) 790-4300. Here's his background, locations, and articles for patients.
Country:, North America, US
City: -75.6203 Pennsylvania, United States
5 STARS! These after all are a 5 pack of transaction checkbook registers!!! YISSSSSS! I mean, you can write down all the things you've bought in them (with check #'s, dates, business names, memos, price amounts), keep track of all that money you deposited in your bank account, and instead of using your calendar on your smart phone or the one hanging on the wall in the kitchen, you can see what day August 4, 2015 will be WITH THESE CHECKBOOK REGISTERS! EPIC!!!! These are great and I wouldn't expect anything else from these wonderful checkbook registers!
Brings back memories of my old Gerber guardian, except for this NASTY PLASTIC CASE. 27 yrs in the army (infantry) and my old Gerber was right there with me until I retired in 93 then it went to my grandson who now carries it proudly OVER THERE! I'll be looking to replace the case.Oh by the way this thing wouldn't cut butter,GERBER HAS REALLY WENT DOWN HILL!
The bezels are an outstanding enhancement to my vehicle. Yes, the cost is surprising in that the bezels seem to be s simple molded plastic but, none-the-less they look very very sharp. The ease of removal and installation is surprising. Excellent buy.
I played Pes2011 for long time and I liked it, one of my friends bought me Pes 2014 as a gift, and my opinion is that it is horrible, the only fine thing is the graphics , other than that it doesn't worth a penny, everything in playing is wrong , beside they do maintenance for online about twice a week unbelievable.
The glue works great as there is no mixing or heating needed. It cleens up with water easily before it dries.
I have tested many brands of tempered glass screen protector, and most are very similar in application and in final appearance after full installation. Most also come with a screen wipe and a few other little items to make application even easier. This kit comes with all that you need. You simply clean off your screen with an alcohol wipe, let dry (dont touch!) and then use the dust remover to be sure there are not tiny dust particles you can't see easily. A speck of dust WILL be noticeable if you forget this step. Next you peel the backing off the glass cover itself and line it up on your phone, press down. It is very simple and the best part is that the bubbles work themselves out. Previously, I was resigned to chasing bubbles out of the plastic screen covers. Not since I've found these.