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City: -122.2405 California, United States
This was a very interesting book, based on issues of mind control that very well could be happening in our society today. It was fascinating to read an author who delved into this realm.
I'm going to be doing some major traveling in all kind of conditions, mostly warmer/tropical, with lots of walking, hiking, and likely encountering wet seasons. I wanted a boot that didn't look like a hiking boot that could take the place of sneakers/hiking shoes and going out/casual shoes/boots. These and a pair of Sorley boots were the only ones I could find that come close. These are pretty sharp looking, super comfortable, incredibly lightweight, and the waterproofing doesn't seem to stifle your feet. These come in both mid and low cut. I opted for the mids for extra ankle support plus I find them easier to deal with when wearing long pants. Great support and you can take out the insole to put in your own if you want or it wears out and the rest of the boots are still in solid shape.