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Ghid Cancer - Într-un singur loc: specialiști în cancer, medici cu experiență oncologică, cabinete, clinici, centre medicale, forum, grupuri de suport, informații și sfaturi, ghidul pacientului.

  • http://www.ghid-cancer.ro/info Informatii complete despre cancer | Ghid-Cancer.ro - O lista completa de articole cu informatie actualizata si bine documentata despre cancer. Notiuni generale si prezentarea detaliata a fiecarei forme de cancer.
  • http://www.ghid-cancer.ro/info/am-cancer-ghidul-pacientului Am cancer - ghidul pacientului | Ghid-Cancer.ro - Cancerul este un diagnostic dur, un cuvânt cu o rezonanţă dureroasă, al cărui ecou ne furnică fiecare celulă din corp. Tristeţea, confuzia, deznădejdea, frica, revolta, depresia.... sunt sent
  • http://www.ghid-cancer.ro/spitale-oncologie Lista cu spitale si centre de oncologie - Lista cu centrele de oncologie si spitalele de stat pentru diagnosticul si tratarea cancerului in Romania. Prezentare, servicii, date de contact, medici.
  • http://www.ghid-cancer.ro/asociatii Asociatii si grupuri de suport pentru cancer - Lista completa cu asociatiile de suport pentru pacientii cu cancer. Prezentare, servicii, date de contact.
  • http://www.ghid-cancer.ro/clinici-oncologie-strainatate Clinici de oncologie in strainatate - Cele mai accesate clinici de oncologie din strainatate. Analizati optiunile de tratare a cancerului in strainatate.
  • http://www.ghid-cancer.ro/forum Forum despre Cancer | Ghid-Cancer.ro - Intrebari si raspunsuri despre cancer: cauze, diagnostic, tratament. Intreaba gratuit.

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • Haley Crook - Very disappointed in this seat.

    Very disappointed. I wanted to love this seat. I researched for months and bought this. It is seriously rock hard where the baby sits. I expected it to be firm but it was just cloth and the thinnest little pad you ever saw, then the hard EPP foam. The seat was also broken I'm pretty sure. It would lift up from the base and make a horrible noise and shift around when my son sat in it. Packed this seat up and it is headed back to Amazon tomorrow, it didn't even make it out to my car. Also I feel like certain elements of the seat they really didn't use the best quality. Like the chest clip, harness and belly pads, etc. For how much you pay for this seat it is pretty ridiculous. Clek really needs to work on comfort because their safety features really are top notch. I plan on getting a Peg Perego convertible instead.

  • Rw Scolari - Great CG Movie

    John Cusiak again proves that he can handle a major roll and an action movie. This movie has great special effects. Woody Harrilson provides a comic relief. In all the special effects, mostly CG, are the real stars. Good movie.

  • faith - Great series

    Over all great series so happy about the way everything turned out in the end. Tiny deserved a chance at happiness

  • Amazon Customer - Doing Better 1 Chapter at a time

    Luvvie has taken the best of her blog and infused it with the best of HER. Irreverent and funny, Luvvie is also thought-provoking and challenging. She holds nothing back in her assessment of us ALL and then firmly challenges us to DO BETTER. This is an insightful commentary on the world in which we live, the areas that we are failing at, and how we can make it better.

  • angel - About the book~ Angelica

    I like this book it helped a lot but because I am a beginner it was quite difficult. But in all very good and helpful. (If your more experienced.