Custom Organic Synthesis USA | Metabolite Synthesis | Chicago Discovery Solutions - Chicago Discovery Solutions is an early stage life science and technology development company specializing in custom organic synthesis.
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Absolute respect for Shackleton and his men! I was right there with them as they survived on floes [pieces of ice] after their ship was crushed. I felt bad about slaughtering the dogs when that happened. But it got down to the choice: us or them? Easter Island was a miserable place to exist on. Was it a miracle that they survived? or was it fortitude and determination along with clear thinking and experience? Whatever it was, it was inspiring. The attitudes of the men was a big factor also. Most of them were 'all in'. Recommend for young people needing some inspiration.
This book worked for me. I've had ulcerative colitis for 12 years. Since being diagnosed I've taken nine pills a day of asacol. I've tried various diets, including vegan and gluten free. Anytime I tried to slowly wean off the medication my symptoms came back. I followed the protocol in this book for six months (skipping the intro diet and going right to the full diet). With my doctors blessing I was able to very slowly wean off my medication. I do mean slowly! For example, alternating nine pills per day with eight for a week, following with eight pills a day for another week, etc. During this transition I did not experience any relapse of UC. One year later I am still prescription drug free. For those six months I followed the diet with 100% compliance... No cheats! I didn't stick with it after those six months and recently I've decided to do it again because I felt great on it (after the first two weeks of getting used to it. I was hungry and tired at first). I miss the energy and clear head I had while eating this way and probably gave t up to quickly to completely heal. If you decide to try it then I encourage you to read the book first and browse the internet for blogs with tons of tricks and tips to help with meal planning and for support.
Tire was so bad the guy at shop wouldn't mount I'm going to have to pay to dispose of it also
Don't buy this; Do this. Go to Wal-Mart and buy the cheapie store brand ones. I did an experiment and tested them all once I got my + on an at-home HPT and this FRER was the worst at reading, analyzing and it drove me crazy. The TTC journey is crazy enough, you don't need additional stress because the test lines are the thickness of a piece of thread. Cheapies first, EPT second, ClearBlue Digital is good once you're 1-2 weeks pregnant (not before). ****If my review helped you, please click "YES" below -- I'm also happy to answer any questions!****
Great all around indoor ball. The grip allows me to set the ball fairly descent; additionally I can get a really good standing floater serve in. The only thing that concerns me is that I do have to check the PSI before every use. It does seem to require some air more often than not; but then again this is my first ball I've ever purchased so I don't know if all balls require that or not. Either way, this is my go to ball.
I ordered this in the hopes it would help my hair grow longer quicker. After using it twice, I have decided to stop using it because more than my normal amount of hair fell out both times. I always have some hair fall out, but this was easily two to three times that amount.