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I couldn't wait for this CD to drop but I have to say I am really disappointed. I feel that each previous CD was much better. This one is just there! Nothing special about it, no really catchy songs. Nothing to make me want to listen. Truly, I don't expect this one to get any airplay at all. I would have to say the only song I kind of like is "Kids." The rest are pretty much average to below average. I love OneRepublic but this just doesn't have it. Sorry....just my opinion. I'll be interested to see what the next CD brings.
I have owned an iPhone wallet case for every iPhone I have owned an iPhone wallet case for every iPhone since the iPhone 4. Leather ones, plastic ones, cards that slide in from the top, cards that pull out to the side, ones that are spring-loaded. But all of them left me feeling like I had to compromise in someway in order to lose my billfold and free space in my pockets. The compromise was different for each case. Security: leaving my cards exposed visibly, if I had my phone out in public… Then everyone who could see it anywhere my credit card was. Phone protection: most cases that have space for a credit card seem to lack true drop protection that I was used to in the OtterBox cases that I used before wallet cases. This UAG case is amazing. It protects my cards from view, and add suburb protection for my iPhone. I was curious when I read other reviews about how hard the lid was to open, and I see what they are talking about. However, it seems that there is a certain technique to it, and now it is second and now it is secondhand nature. If I had a choice between a cover that keeps my cards inside, or is so loose that it flies open, then you guessed it... this is my choice. Yes, the case doubles the thickness of the phone, but to my surprise, it does not seem bulky in the pocket. Of course I am a guy, and all of my pants and shorts have large pockets. My wife has shown quite an interest in the case, and my wife has shown quite an interest in the case, and it doesn't seem to be getting any negative reviews from her. For the first time in years, I am very, very happy with my phone/case, for the first time in years, I am very, very happy with my phone/case, combo.
These are great for keeping low maintenance eyebrows shaped. I have light hair, so I don't need a ton of help in the eye brow department, but these are really sharp and much better than anything else I've tried that can be purchased at the drug store.
Works wonderfully for our needs. Big brother gets to check on little brother while we stroll. And it folds right up no different than the stroller does without. We're thrilled.