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  • Gerardine G. - Must Have Book!

    As with all of Gina's books this book is amazing. Great time of year to have a slow cooker book. The recipe's are so good! I got my book yesterday and immediately made the chicken and dumpling soup. My family loved it. Highly recommend this book!

  • Marcia K Parrott - No Place To Rest

    I enjoyed reading this book very much. The characters were very interesting. I plan to read more books by D.L.Barnhart.

  • james obrien - Tart punch that delivers!

    I've been a huge fan of a aminos for years now but get bored with flavors and brands and am always looking for something new. Well I picked up a tub and at 20 bucks for 36 servings it's a good deal. This stuff mixes great and tastes amazing best fruit punch flavor I've had. I've been using it for a few weeks and it's helping with the doms and overall recovery from a hard day at the gym. I work construction as well so my body takes a beating, I highly recommend myobuild for those looking for something new but with great quality!

  • Patricia - Day-to-day calendar with New Yorker cartoons

    New Yorker cartoons have a flavor of their own and once they hook you they turn out to be addictive! The subjects are universal and are guaranteed to get you smiling.

  • Christinaa - It's OK, but not the best

    The formula made my hair feel silky, but did not do too much else. I used it on my curls the day after, and it did add nice shine, but didn't do much to help control frizz or make my hair look redone. I've heard a lot of good reviews about it, but obviously it just isn't for my hair type. (my hair is similar to Elle Varner's, except my curls are slightly looser)

  • Mary Russom - The most racist material I have ever read.

    The most racist material I have ever read. As a life-long (White) resident of Birmingham (69 years), I have lived through the civil rights era and beyond. I lived through the events of 1963, and they changed my perspective forever. I would not like to return to the Birmingham I knew before 1963. I do not suffer from White Guilt, because I was just a child before 1963, and see injustice where it exists. Sure, racism still exists in Birmingham and Alabama, and Black (and now Hispanic) citizens still are affected by it. Replete with bad grammar, misspellings and misstatements and distortions of fact, this book should be avoided by anyone hoping to gain insight into Birmingham and the events which shaped its future, I recommend Diane McWhorter's book, Carry Me Home, for starters.