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This book was very short. I thought the nature of the relationship between the two main characters was absurd and fast. It does not make sense that in the course of a few hours, the main character would go from thinking the other guy is going to eat her to having sex with him. I liked the premise of the book, and it had a lot of potential, but the story-telling failed to deliver. There were also tons of punctuation errors and several vocabulary issues.
For twenty-six years THE CHILDREN'S WRITER'S & ILLUSTRATOR'S MARKET has been helping the creative work of writers and artists see publication, and this year's edition doesn't disappoint. In fact, I think it's the best volume yet. Not only do the comprehensive indexes contain the most up-to-date names of agents, art reps, and publishers of books and magazines, clubs and conferences, and subject indexes, but the articles by children's authors are also stimulating and inspiring. Given the exploding trend toward self-publishing, I know the article "Self-Publishing Basics" will be of particular interest to many aspiring writers, as will editor Chuck Sambuchino's article, "Create the Writer Platform." And although we may groan at the thought of having to write that dreaded but all-important query letter, Kara Gebhart Uhl's article, as well as the sample query letters included on this subject, will ease your way through this task--and help you move forward to finding an agent. As always, you will find this year's interviews with both debut and seasoned authors an inspiration. A first-rate resource!
I've had a 3-user license for McAfee for years but renewing your yearly subscription directly from McAfee's website will cost you 3x-4x the cost versus purchasing it this way. If you go this way, you just register the card directly on McAfee's website and then you can apply it to any existing subscription you already have registered with them. This method will save you substantial amount of $$$.
Shortly after I bought my 2001 truck on Ebay, I discovered that it had a serious coolant loss problem. I pull a heavy 5th wheel trailer with it (gross combined weight of 22,000 lbs) and it was sucking a gallon of coolant in 100 miles of towing. I was looking at a minimum of $4000 if I took it to the shop so I decided to try Bar's Leaks Head Gasket Fix (part #1111). Now the Duramax 6.6L diesel has a very complex cooling system and, even though it was sucking coolant into the cylinders, somehow it never ran warm - rarely exceeding minimum operating temperature except when pulling long or steep grades. However, from the steam out of the exhaust pipe, and the fact that there was never a puddle of coolant under the truck, it was evident that all of the coolant was going through the engine.
As a dietitian, I can say that the products sold by this company are an absolute scam. Don't waste your money.