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I think I've had my Cooper Cooler for three years. During the winter, I forget I have it. In the summertime, it's a major blessing. The sticker on the front of mine is unsticking, but I'm trying not to notice. The important thing is that it does one little thing really, really well. I arrived home from a long, hot bike ride today to discover I only had one bottle of super-cold water in the fridge. I keep the Cooper Cooler on the counter in the summer months, so while I was chugging the first bottle of water, it was chilling the second. Frosty, brain-freeze perfection.
Bough this to mount a 65" Toshiba TV bases upon reviews. Its thin, sturdy, and mounts fairly flush to the wall which is what I was looking for. The added bonuses are the free HDMI cable and the cable ties. About the only thing I would suggest would be buying some of the angled HDMI adapters to use with your TV since this mount is so close to the wall. You may need them depending on how your ports are placed.
I was tired of using my double A batteries and throwing them away from my controller I wanted a reusable solution. I came across these and I was a little skeptical but thought I would give them a try. There is no user manual at all. But there is only two steps you put this in your controller and then you charge it with a mini usb cable that you use to charge your phone. I get about 10 hours or so of game play out of one charge while not that much when you figure I was getting like 40 or so with my batteries but the charging is very quick I use a Quick Charge 3.0 outlet and it was ready to go in under an hour.