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  • J. Hall - Do NOT buy Navteq!!!!

    It's a totally inaccurate, erroneous product and the customer service is terrible. If you use it for navigation, you will find yourself lost.

  • Daniel J James - Smells bad, works good

    This stuff smells pretty awful when you are using it, but it works pretty well. I know different people have different skin types, so you have to be careful and test an area to make sure you don't have a bad reaction before using it on larger scale.

  • Michael O'Rourke - Makes my hair INCREDIBLY greasy!

    I'm not sure why everyone is so in love with this unless I just got a bad one. I've used this for many years from local drug stores and its always made my hair silky and amazingly soft, this one HOWEVER makes my hair INCREDIBLY greasy! Like I just washed my hair and it looks dirty ALREADY! I thought hm maybe I'm using too much on my roots so I just tried it on my ends and still the same results, greasy greasy greasy! gross! Amazon Help!